This Generation
Facebook Post. May 3rd, 2020.
Welcome to the world today.
Where sex is free and love is expensive.
Where losing your phone is more painful than losing your virginity.
Where being modern means showing off your body to people you don't know for the sake of likes and follows.
Where being profane is to feel you belong.
Where boys remain boys and refuse to become men, and girls become men so they can rule over them.
Where divorce and annulment is easier than to fight for your marriage.
Where if you don't fool your partner you're not clever enough.
Where bathrooms have become photo studios.
Where pizza delivery is faster than emergency response.
Where people fear thieves and terrorists more than God.
Where worshiping God is difficult.
Where churches have become party venues.
Where lies become realities.
Where if the truth goes against people's bias it's called a conspiracy.
Where ladies fear pregnancy than contracting a disease out of promiscuity.
Where you can murder your baby for the sake of convenience, boast about it, and people cheer for you.
Where the life of a baby turtle or eagle holds more value than the life of a human baby.
Where young adults have more sex partners than a dog has.
Where sex is a past time for unmarried couples and people are thrilled to know about it.
Where perspective and clothes define the value of a person.
Where money is more important than God and family.
Where the marriage covenant is no longer sacred and taken seriously.
Where children will readily rebel against their parents just for the sake of the moment.
Where people would rather have a house than a home.
Where hurrying to have a partner is cuter than waiting on God for the right person.
Where lust is more convenient than love.
Where as long as people agree with your lifestyle you can be as evil as you want.
Where professing believers have the same fears and wants as unbelievers.
Where holiness is ridiculous, faithfulness is bigotry and to be biblical, fanatical.
A lawless generation without values and shame.
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