Being weak.
Being despised and laughed at.
Being maligned.
Being singled out.
Giving up.
People naturally want none of these. Perhaps it explains why many
people today are merely on survival mode or on auto-pilot. Without
control. Fearful. But still trying. Turning to religion instead either
to find answers or maintain an outward appearance of piety. It is
possible to know a lot about God, without knowing Him intimately. The
world may look down on such situations, but it is only in these times
that Christ comes to reveal himself to people, to those who are at the
end of their rope.
So next time when people curse you, bless
them. When they shout at you, give them a gentle answer. When you feel
like engaging an argument, stop. Breathe. Concede. Consider people to be
better than you in everything. Exchange your frustrations for His
Meekness is a far greater virtue than winning. After
all, Christ, who is meek, already won. What have you got left to prove?
The Lord Jesus Christ is a master at taking the rejects of this world
and turning them to such beautiful testimonies of His power and
John 9:35-39 Jesus heard that the Pharisees had
thrown the man out, so He sought him and when He had found him He said
to him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” The man replied, “Who is he,
sir, that I may believe in him?” Jesus told him, “You have seen Him;
and He is talking with you right now.” He said, “Lord, I believe,” and
he worshiped Him.
Jesus said, "For judgment I have come into this
world, so that those who are blind may see, and the ones who see may
become blind.”
1 Corinthians 1:27 But God chose what the world
thinks foolish to shame the wise, and God chose what the world thinks
weak to shame the strong.
Have a blessed day everyone.
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