
Facebook Post. May 21st, 2020

In my fourth year high school, my history teacher (now deceased) said something that stuck with me. He said, "If the government mandates laws outside the constitution that go against the good of the people, it is an evil government. A Jacobin revolution is in order."

Much like autoimmune disease where the body goes to war with itself, the diseased system is now presently at war with its citizenry. Pushing the situation to a position of desperation, so much so that society will clamor for any quick fix without question and thought just to get everything back to the way they were. The "remedy" is just around the corner. Its already been there at the same time the problem was created. They had to create a problem to sell the solution. They just need to let the people bleed out a little more to have them begging for the solution without questioning it. This is what it is coming to. Did not Christ warn us that the wind blowing in the last days will be that of deception? That men's hearts will fail them for fear of everything that will happen?

For the true Christian there is no going around it. It is no surprise either. God has ordained that the system will be given power to overcome (subdue or exterminate) the saints. But what the world celebrates as victory - the ecumenical solution to peaceful government under a world leader and a global religion, and the final eradication and removal of its "fanatical and party-pooping" Christian enemies, - God has the world where it asks to be - under wrath and judgement.

In allowing the removal of His children from the world they don't belong to, those who will have eradicated Christians will think they have done God the ultimate service. And indeed. When God allows His ambassadors to be removed from all nations, its only because He intends war against those nations.

To the saints of God, now is not the time to fit in line with what everyone is hoping for. What this world hopes for is death, but come out of her and separate yourselves unto God by unashamedly proclaiming from the rooftops, Christ's judgement is coming. His cross is the ultimatum. He has bent his bow and aimed it. His axe is ready to strike at the root of every tree. Every tree which does not bring forth fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. He has sharpened His sword to execute vengeance against the unbelieving, the cowardly, and the religious rebel. If you are afraid right now you are right in being so. But let that fear drive you to Christ. Cry out to God in a desperate plea that He saves you, and He will, for He is rich in mercy and will readily pardon the humble. Christ is God's amnesty for the desperate and hopeless.

Exodus 19:10-11 ..Go to the people and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and make them wash their clothes ..and be ready for the third day, for on the third day the Lord will come down.. in the sight of all the people.
