
Showing posts from 2018

Preaching In An Idolatrous Festival

This small clip is but a supplementary part of the same event last December 8th in Cavite. It was dubbed as a religious event, but in truth, it was more of a sodomite party. I was terribly cast down and disheartened during the whole day, and would of myself simply settle to documenting the event instead. I left my gear in the car parked at a considerable distance from where we stood because I did not think I would be in the Spirit to deliver anything, but my dear brother from Romania prayed for me right then and there, and immediately I was lifted in my spirit. The enemy troubled me much the whole day, but the Lord was faithful in honoring my weakness to display his strength. My heart goes out to the crowd, especially those who heard the gospel without my knowing. The Lord be forever glorified. Amen.

Hosting The Gospel

At the close of this year last December 4, we were indeed honored of the Lord to have been sent a soldier of the Kingdom, hailing from Romania representing Real Ministries, to spend two weeks living among us, to see if a fruitful collaboration between our ministries is feasible. In between all the discussions we went out to do what we are called to do, to publicly proclaim Christ crucified. This day was again market day on this particular place in Bulacan, and the mild downpour did not deter the people from walking to and fro. The place was ripe for the Gospel. It was providence that beside the spot where we stood there was another gathering of people where a man blaring on a microphone had a snake with him and was entertaining the people by doing tricks. The Gospel was preached mightily to the crowd. We pleaded with them on behalf of Christ to be reconciled to God. These are the blessed saints and elders of Batia, Bulacan and our beloved pastor and brother Jordan, who led ...

Keeping With Technology

I have had the good pleasure of talking tech with my visiting brother from Romania and I was pleased to know that we both share the same passion for pushing the quality of presenting the work of the gospel by making good use of the technology we have in our present day and age. While it is true that the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light (Luke 16:8), those of us who have been given the talent to keep pace with the times, whether we eat or we drink, are obliged to utilize everything we have for the glory of the kingdom of God. Though we did not have the opportunity to use his Zhiyun Crane 2 gimbal, of which I am thankful because you need to have seriously strong arms to be able to hold this up for quite some time, I had some really good fun setting it up. I wished to have used it for the December 8 event, but since it was really expensive and the crowd was unpredictable, it was a wise decision not to bring it.  These are all but...

December 8th, the Feast of Immaculate Concepcion

I have not heard that there was such an event as this, celebrating the idolatrous worship of Semiramis, or better know as the modern day corrupted version of Mary the "sinless" one, until we were made aware through the prepared schedule of our visiting brother from Romania. I did not expect a crowd like it. Typical of any local festivity, but populated by decadent males posing as women. A huge part of the number were blatant sodomites. Though it does appear on the surface that homosexuality was what was on immediate display, there were also a lot of inappropriately dressed young women, young couples, rampant smoking (my daughters had to don a clinical face mask), eating and drinking, and just plain debauchery. A famous but vile sodomite actor was also a guest of honor. The crowd singled out a lone sister who stood her ground in the power of the Spirit. It was a sight to behold, as the men made all and every effort to bully her, but the wisdom of the Lord carried her. The i...

Street Preaching With Brothers

Personally, the two past Sundays that came and went was an experience worth keeping. Not only did we have the privilege of hosting a brother in the Lord, but we thoroughly enjoyed his fellowship. Brother Michael Foster, hailing from the United States, living in Romania but coming in direct from India, spent a fruitful time with us as he shared valuable insights of both the mission field and the church, encouraging us in these evil times to move forward in pursuit of the kingdom of Christ. This compilation he made is a summary in part, for we have had many more instances of laboring side by side in the field. May the Lord's grace be with us all.

Pastor Wang Yi

My Declaration of Faithful Disobedience Pastor Wang Yi, Early Rain Covenant Church Chengdu, China, December 12, 2018 On the basis of the teachings of the Bible and the mission of the gospel, I respect the authorities God has established in China. For God deposes kings and raises up kings. This is why I submit to the historical and institutional arrangements of God in China. As a pastor of a Christian church, I have my own understanding and views, based on the Bible, about what righteous order and good government is. At the same time, I am filled with anger and disgust at the persecution of the church by this Communist regime, at the wickedness of their depriving people of the freedoms of religion and of conscience. But changing social and political institutions is not the mission I have been called to, and it is not the goal for which God has given his people the gospel. For all hideous realities, unrighteous politics, and arbitrary laws manifest the cross of Jesus...

Balut, Tondo

Balut, Tondo is a part of Metro Manila that is both famous for its history, and notorious in its infamy, linked to its poverty and volatile environment. Inversely, it is also surprising to know that there is a sizeable number of active Christians who go door to door, taking the gospel deep into the tenements, evangelizing the residents, We learned this from fellow laborers who stopped by to give us water and encouraged us to continue. This pleading, which was just this September, is interjected with a sermon on a passage on the book of Esther, an important message that we can appropriately apply to our times - when those who hold the light choose instead to hide it solely in church activities, hip mission trips, and plain cowardice - under a bushel so to speak. Who knows, that perhaps the reason you became a Christian in this generation, is for such a critical time as this? The story for this video is found here . Please keep us in your prayers.

One on One

Jumelyn and Gia are two precious souls I have had the privilege of directly sharing the gospel with during our pleading in Cavite. Though many in my country will claim to know who Jesus is, in truth, they only know about him, not the person of Jesus Christ. This video is in Tagalog.

The Lamb's Book of Life, & The Eternal Will Of God For The Security Of Those Who Have Been Graciously Called To Come & Believe

A journal entry. One early morning of October. A study on my readings, on John 1:13, Ephesians 1:4, Revelation 13:8, 17:8 and 21:27.  From eternity past, even before the beginning of the beginning, the Lamb wrote a book.    In this book were special names. Names He had deemed, in His sovereignty, He would love to be His forever bride. These names were written in careful affection, with great love, and with great zeal, amidst a great plan to reveal to them this love, through sacrifice. He had written these names down permanently, determined and precisely, without any intention to erase or blot them out. He had written them down from eternity, and there will they remain throughout all eternity. He who wrote them embodies eternity, for He is eternity, and whom He loves He loves unto all eternity.   And it came to pass that He afterwards created everything that is. And thus began time. Yet He who made all these things stands outside of time, because he is transcendent a...

The Jealous Son of Luke 15:28 - 29

A exposition on the story of the prodigal son, centering on the tender mercies of the father, and the jealousy of the elder brother. I come across many gems of truths while studying these stories, where the spaces between the letters contain all the precious parts. I myself learn much. Yet for lack of supervised training, I do not know whether I am doing it properly. Nonetheless, may the Lord alone be glorified.

Taal Public Cemetery

My broken foot did very little to hamper my spirits in assisting the church in their public ministry this All Soul's Day. I believe around 700 tracts were distributed to people in and around the grounds. A dear sister also stepped up to read the scriptures in public. I was very thrilled to see the Lord blessing us this day in potentially raising up another laborer in his field. A sister in the Lord from another community church discreetly approached to inform us that there were many inside the grounds who heard and were angrily reacting at the preaching of the word. It is always a good sign when demons are stirred at the proclamation of the word, but souls are a precious thing. We cannot help how people will react to the truth, we were simply called to be faithful. The youth also walked under the heat of the morning sun to cover much ground. May the Father be pleased to give them the passion to work because they love the Lord. It was prohibited to use loud speakers am...


A shorter clip of the full sermon on the third part of our study on the book of Jonah. May this serve to quench the prevailing dearth of discernment we have in our days. We ourselves must realize the great need of our day, are men who are broken before the Lord in unwavering and persevering prayer. May the Lord have mercy on us and rain upon us his judgements and righteousness.

Jonah And The Secret Christian - Part 3

The last of this short three part series on the first chapter of Jonah, verses 8 to 16. We cannot even  exhaust the wisdom of the Lord as I am sure this chapter can be studied from more angles than I can imagine. May the Lord Jesus Christ be lifted up, for the glory of God, and the edification of the saints.

New Supplies

Fresh tracts came in. May the Lord enable us not to waiver with what we have right now. Yes, I am out of work, but that in itself is trivial, to the end that I might be employed to a work of much higher value. God and the advancement of His kingdom is worth it all. May His name be great among the nations.

Short Fellowship

Finally, after a long time, I was enabled once again to fellowship with this passionate brother, Roland, who came straight from a job interview, to meetup with me in Manila. We ministered at this place and managed to speak directly with a few people. This one fellow in particular challenged us to respect other people's religion saying that truth is relative and dependent on a person's preference. We engaged him with his circular reasoning and turned it against him till he found himself arguing with his own thinking. We did not linger long, but instead witnessed against him that Jesus Christ is the only way, the only truth, and the only life. His own blood be upon his own head. There is no salvation outside the name of Christ.

Jonah And The Sovereignty Of God - Parts 1 & 2

The book of Jonah is a superb and tremendous study on the sovereignty of God. This is part 1 on a series of studies on the life of Jonah, Chapter 1 from verses 1 to 3, and how it contrasts with modern Christianity. Delivered to the saints in Batia, Bulacan on the 30th of September, 2018. The sermons are in the Tagalog language.   This is part 2. Jonah chapter 1, verses 4 to 7. Delivered on the following week. On the 7th of October, 2018. Too many things to say here but everything had to be compressed to the allotted time. It would be proper to do an extensive series on this. Be blessed. 

The Marks Of Christ's Authenticity

A study on the authenticity of three specific miracles that Christ did to authenticate his claim as being the Messiah who was promised to come. Delivered to the saints at Batia, Bulacan on the 15th of August, 2018. The audio is in the Tagalog language. May the Lord alone be glorified.

Afternoon Break

After three days of continuous work at home my spirit was screaming for release. What better way to drive away the restlessness than to joyfully labor for the kingdom? My wife and I drove out to Tunko, Bulacan, to minister and give away tracts, to make this day count for the three that I lost. One particular man who parked on the side of the busy street received a tract. He read it thoroughly it seems, taking his time, and after which stared blankly into space for the twice the time he spent reading the tract. Was God dealing with him? I will probably never know. May the Lord give the increase, for his great name's sake.

A Study On John 10

A journal entry. One early morning of September. A study on my morning readings, on John 10.  For whom did Christ die? For God so loved the world.. Many people, those who believe they know doctrine, along with those who do not know, take this to mean that "world" means ALL men. But since Jesus died only for his sheep (John 10:11), it is logical to conclude therefore that the Lord died for all men, because according to this thinking, all men are his sheep. Question: If the world means all men, and all men are his sheep, what part of the human population is Jesus referring to as "not of his sheep"? If his statement is true, then not all men are his sheep, and therefore the world does not necessarily refer to all of mankind. But we will go on.  If world means all men, it is logical to conclude that all men should hear his voice and should follow him (John 10:27), including those who went to hell, and everyone will agree that there are those who ...


I met Glen one morning at the place I was handing out tracts at, and among those who took from me, he was the only one who confronted me regarding what it said in the text. As I turned to leave he got up after me and asked me, "Hey, hold on there. It says here that God is good. Can you please explain to me how God can be good? This can't be true. I don't believe this. Where was he when my wife ran away with another man taking my daughter with her and all our belongings? My father, who is a pastor, never treated me like a son. My family shunned me, and treated me as a stranger. I have been living on the streets because of this. I'd rather live here than with my parents. My life is a mess. I have nothing in my heart but anger at my father and at God. So this thing that says, God is good, this doesn't make sense. It simply cannot be true." I can tell he wasn't asking for answers, not a confrontation. I asked him, if he was willing to listen, that I would...


There is no other salvation, except in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward for his suffering.

Barangay 129

We were supposed to preach in the city but a sudden invitation swayed our plans. After asking and waiting on the Lord for confirmation, if indeed this was his will, it was impressed upon me that I needed to heed this one. Despite my apprehensions, I thrust myself into the hands of the Lord. Tondo is infamous for its hardened population, criminality and poverty. Debauchery here is an accepted norm. This is the hiding place of some of the lowest of the low. I was surprised to find out that there are a lot of active ministries here, if they be real ones though, I do not know. The people are used to hearing the love gospel, and was visibly struck with the open proclamation of sins that everybody is guilty of but no one talks about. The wrath of God and his holy hatred for everything evil, safe to assume, is never mentioned. This was confirmed when the lady pastor we were with (yes, a woman who calls herself a pastor) told us the people has never heard of God's anger, only his love...

Arman and Ronnie

My wife and I were blessed to return again to UN Avenue after a day's worth of errand in Makati. Finding Arman, the man we met days ago, in good spirits as he was pleasantly surprised, when upon waking up from sleep he saw me and immediately extended his hand out to me for a greeting. I did not have time to speak with him the last time, but today we were willing to hear his story for as long as it takes, his eyes were beaming as he narrated his life, and I can feel how elated he was to have someone listen and talk to about personal things he had kept for himself for so long. He showed me his back tattoo, signifying he was an ex-convict who spent a good part of his life in prison for homicide. It came about when a fellow street dweller aggravated him at a feeding session. So to exact revenge he searched him out, found out where he was sleeping, went there, waited, and stabbed him three times before escaping. He said he'd do it again if the situation calls for it. I felt sad...


Kenneth is around 15 years of age. He did not look anything like the typical street dweller we commonly see because he was even healthier than my children by appearance. But he was obviously hungry. The guard was not at his post when he entered the establishment we were in. This was just a chance meal we thought of having after distributing bibles and tracts at a busy market near the university belt in Manila, but some of our best divine appointments come about suddenly and without warning. Kenneth went from table to table, asking everyone eating for money, to buy food. He was waved off every time. When he came to us at last, we asked him to sit with us and told him we cannot give him money, but we can buy him food instead. I have learned that one of the best opportunities to share the gospel is when people are asking something from you. I asked him if he knew who Jesus is, to which he blankly replied, "tagapagligtas", (savior). "From what?", I asked. ...

On Election and Christ

A journal entry from August, 2018. Election is an essential truth of the work behind the gospel, and of grace, but it is not the Gospel. Whether or not an isolated and wretched tribesman living in a remote part of the earth understands how the LORD saves is not as vital as knowing Christ inhabiting the same man, and is now become the propitiation for his offenses. I hear of some arguing that to know election is essential to salvation, but I say to know Christ, that is to live him, to walk him, to speak him, to think him, is in himself sufficient. We are not saved by knowledge, but of the indwelling fulness and inhabitation of the Godhead. He gives the understanding of the nature of his work to some of the redeemed, but he unveils the truth and power of the cross of Christ to all his elect. Simply put, one is elect because Christ, who himself is salvation, and truth, lives in him: thereby making him a new creature. And if one is indeed elect, then giving all the glory of his salvation...

Then And Now

A snippet from an entry in my journal. August, 2018. The trouble with my old self is that when the LORD should tell me, "Depart from me, ye cursed, I never knew you", I would have replied then, "but Lord, I spent my life preaching about Christ!" Whereas now I would simply say, "Amen. Righteous are your judgements, O LORD."

Before Parting Ways

Finally after four months of asking for this from the LORD it is finally answered. I was enabled to speak about Christ to this new batch of artists who worked on our latest project of which production ended this past week. They opened up the long proposed bible study and asked if we can hold it soonest before we all part ways. I was only too pleased to oblige them. It was important that I first take the matter to the LORD in prayer; to tell them first to God, before telling them about God. I simply held on in faith that it would be God who would put it in their hearts to ask for it. How happy I was that it was they that indeed asked. An hour before the time, my wife and I took it again to the LORD in prayer. That he would be pleased to allow us to lift up Christ among the hearers, and that he might be glorified above all else. We asked boldly for his name's sake. I dwelt on the grievousness of sin and its fatal implications to all of humanity, the hopeless predicament of rebelliou...

A Exhortation On Prayer

This clip was taken from the sermon I gave to the saints at Batia, Bulacan on August 26th, 2018. My burden for the church is for it to be grounded and rooted in the Word of God and in persevering, consistent and unceasing prayer.

The Rescue Shop

A dear brother and I wished two days ago to publicly proclaim Christ at my fishing hole in Plaza Rueda. The events on the morning of that Tuesday will I reserve for another post, to wait on the Lord for what transpires after a lengthy talk with a lost and angry soul who chased after me with a lot of hard questions when he read the words, "God is good." on our tract. The Lord was pleased to finally free this man from years of bitterness against God and his family after he heard the truth about who he is before a holy God, and what God, through His Son, had done for him. After I invited him for lunch and he shared more details about his present predicament, he went out in joy to tell more of his friends, with an invitation for me to come back and tell them about the Savior. After this particular meal we gave away tracts at the nearby park where scores of families and touring groups were. When we spent our supplies after an hour we went about to look for a security enforcer to...

A Short Exhortation on John 15

This is a shot exhortation delivered in Tagalog to the beloved saints on the 12th of August, 2018, at Batia, Bulacan. English Subtitles available.

Book Excerpt

This is a short essay from the book I am currently writing, entitled The Free Will of the Old Man & The Free Will of the New Creature. " Sin is more than an act, it is the nature and  disposition of a heart totally inclined towards death. Every manifestation of the man in this state, be it either his wickedness, which is the native language of the man's true self; or his goodness, which is nothing more but an extension of his selfishness, is utterly detestable in the sight of a thrice holy God. It is that which no effort of man can ever hope to alter nor would wish to improve.  If it were conceivable for death to exist in and of itself as a separate state from life, still death cannot choose life. And if we are to assume that it can, it will not do so. "The dead praise not the LORD," Psalm cxv : xvii. Just as Satan cannot and will not choose God, so death in itself cannot and will not choose life. That is not to say, death is due to Satan's presence, but...