Taal Public Cemetery
My broken foot did very little to hamper my spirits in assisting the church in their public ministry this All Soul's Day. I believe around 700 tracts were distributed to people in and around the grounds. A dear sister also stepped up to read the scriptures in public. I was very thrilled to see the Lord blessing us this day in potentially raising up another laborer in his field.
A sister in the Lord from another community church discreetly approached to inform us that there were many inside the grounds who heard and were angrily reacting at the preaching of the word. It is always a good sign when demons are stirred at the proclamation of the word, but souls are a precious thing. We cannot help how people will react to the truth, we were simply called to be faithful.
The youth also walked under the heat of the morning sun to cover much ground. May the Father be pleased to give them the passion to work because they love the Lord. It was prohibited to use loud speakers among other things, yet we went ahead and used our bullhorn anyway. There was a point when the police were at odds whether we can continue using our loud speaker or stop us, but the Lord's hand blessed us, being on public ground and not inside the cemetery, so we were enabled to continue in our proclamation.
There were a lot of encounters. A lot of people stopping by to ask
questions. A lot of torn tracts on the ground, but still a lot more who
kept and read what they received. There was a police booth beside us,
a long line of tricycle drivers, a lot of booths that sold food and drinks, and some fraternity groups as well. We were surrounded by people who all heard the gospel preached from start
to finish. There was a baranggay tanod who stood from a distance for
the entire duration of the preaching and listened. May the Lord deal
This was also my young daughter's first public reading. She read three chapters in Matthew under the heat of the sun with no qualms whatsoever. Such a tremendous blessing to see these things unfolding before my eyes.
I kept thanking the Lord for his kind hand on our nation, that despite true blood-bought Christians being a minority, we still enjoy the unrestricted freedom to proclaim the gospel publicly unlike in many nations. We must work while it is day. I believe the time is coming when no man will be able to work anymore, without putting their lives in jeopardy.
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