On Election and Christ

A journal entry from August, 2018.

Election is an essential truth of the work behind the gospel, and of grace, but it is not the Gospel. Whether or not an isolated and wretched tribesman living in a remote part of the earth understands how the LORD saves is not as vital as knowing Christ inhabiting the same man, and is now become the propitiation for his offenses. I hear of some arguing that to know election is essential to salvation, but I say to know Christ, that is to live him, to walk him, to speak him, to think him, is in himself sufficient. We are not saved by knowledge, but of the indwelling fulness and inhabitation of the Godhead. He gives the understanding of the nature of his work to some of the redeemed, but he unveils the truth and power of the cross of Christ to all his elect. Simply put, one is elect because Christ, who himself is salvation, and truth, lives in him: thereby making him a new creature. And if one is indeed elect, then giving all the glory of his salvation to God alone naturally becomes his daily breath.
