Barangay 129

We were supposed to preach in the city but a sudden invitation swayed our plans. After asking and waiting on the Lord for confirmation, if indeed this was his will, it was impressed upon me that I needed to heed this one. Despite my apprehensions, I thrust myself into the hands of the Lord.

Tondo is infamous for its hardened population, criminality and poverty. Debauchery here is an accepted norm. This is the hiding place of some of the lowest of the low. I was surprised to find out that there are a lot of active ministries here, if they be real ones though, I do not know. The people are used to hearing the love gospel, and was visibly struck with the open proclamation of sins that everybody is guilty of but no one talks about. The wrath of God and his holy hatred for everything evil, safe to assume, is never mentioned. This was confirmed when the lady pastor we were with (yes, a woman who calls herself a pastor) told us the people has never heard of God's anger, only his love. They knew Christ but not in this light.

I had to ask permission from the nearby water refilling station if I can use their motorcycle sidecar to stand on, and they were very gracious and kind to approve of me. It did teeter all throughout, but the Lord held me. After I was done and brother Jordan took to preaching, a fellow with his daughter approached and greeted me. They are street preachers as well and and wanted to encourage me in the work, giving us water, and asking about the work of the Lord. We in turn encouraged them to continue in the proclamation of Christ on the streets.

I only brought 500 tracts with me. It was nearly gone even before we got to the place where we were to preach. People took tracts and bibles easily, whereas I have trouble in the city to distribute even just 30. The Gospel rang even up to the darkened alleys of the high floors, and I was assisted mightily in spirit and in word. I did not get to say everything I wanted to say, but I trust that I have said what I needed to say. My desire was to lift up Christ, and the Lord was faithful in granting it.

After our ministry we walked to the house of a sister who was struck by the Lord with sickness, The river was beautifully calm but it stank. It was a pitiful sight. We crossed over to the other side of the housing projects, down a narrow stairway and along the river. Into a small alley no bigger than an arm's breadth.

I am not at liberty to tell how things got to this condition, but I will say this: we would do well to pay heed and fear when we utter our vows to the Lord, for he exacts according to our boast. Better not to vow if we know if we cannot deliver. We prayed for the dear sister and encouraged her to ask the Lord to search out her heart and reveal the reason for her loss of the joy of her salvation.

When my wife and I were still renting our own room it was smaller than half of this. The living conditions we had then were so horrid I acquired yellow fever. The present conditions here are not what even they would call favorable, but it is of the Lord, and it would be ill of us to murmur against him in giving us what he pleases, even though we cannot see the wisdom in it. True worship, is when we praise the Lord even when we are in the belly of a whale, under darkness. for his mercies endure forever.

Please remember us, dear brethren, in your prayers. We are your most weak servants in Christ. Please pray for us, that we may be taken far from the riches of this world, and nearer to the incorruptible treasures found in Christ alone, that we may be counted worthy to stand on the Lord's day, and that we may be found laboring at his arrival.

The Lord's mercies and grace be with you all. Amen.
