Waltermart, Sta. Maria :: June 16, 2017
I believe I do not have to wait till Sunday or any special day to communicate the gospel to those in need of it. As the wife and children were doing the groceries I went out to scatter seeds. God has much people in this city and he will not wait for me. If I don't go he will send someone else, and it will end up being my loss. I must be ready to preach in season and out of season, anywhere, anytime, all the time. Such is the growing fire inside me that is daily becoming more stubborn and insistent. But such also, is my weakness, as I usually find out, when standing to finally minister: fear always gets the better of me, and I am reduced to powder.
I do not want to get used to this. I do not want to find myself comfortable to stand and simply open my mouth. It is a blessed thing to fear and tremble in delivering the counsels of this terrible God. I find myself always broken before him with nothing to bring except my obedience, all the words and courage swept out of me. His grace alone being revealed to be always sufficient. From there on-wards, it becomes as simple as a matter of breathing.
May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward for his suffering.
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