June Prelude
From my journal entry. Morning of June 11, 2017.
It seems at the most, with the mounting heaviness and grieving which I so find myself occupied with almost all the time now, and the continued decline of worldly care, worry, and public opinion, in my heart, that God Almighty is indeed preparing me for something far greater than I dare think: the final destruction of my putrid self, and the proclamation of God's glorious kingdom to come in Christ Jesus.
Along with this honor looms the inevitable prospect of isolation and persecution, which I so welcome and embrace, if only to show my Lord how thankful this unworthy wretch is for his saving grace. To reign with him is also to suffer with him, bearing reproach, that we should enter the kingdom of our God through much suffering and persecution, and to be carried through it only in the strength of God's mercy; for he knows the limit of my person, and where I would fail him. He knows my frame, and remembers that I am but dust.
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