The March Of The Sodomites :: June 24, 2017 :: Part 1

This morning's 4AM meeting with the Lord I found to be one of worship instead, having spent the previous night in anticipation of His leading for tomorrow's event. I chose to set my mind only in adoration of his majesty and goodness, knowing full well that the Lord has me in the palms of his hands already, and there was no need for Elijah to remind the Lord for provisions in facing King Ahab and his minions. The command to go was all reason I need.

This year's march of the sodomites marks its 23rd celebration of sin, debauchery, rebellion, perverseness and most grievous of all, PRIDE. Pride is that very same offense that cast out Satan from the very presence of God in the first place, and its diabolic child sodomy, which its celebrants view as a harmless, modern lifestyle, is the one and only sin that carries with it a curse on the flesh. No other sin bears this stigma. There is absolutely nothing gay about being a sodomite, for God has written damnation all over this devilish package.

One would find it easier to preach the Word of God in a place where ignorant sinners walk about, but when you take it to that venue where sin is celebrated as a right, it will be met with very little tolerance, very much resistance, and proud willful arrogance. There was very much no chance to preach, because the Filipino way of celebrating occasions is to employ  noise alongside revelry. Much like those fiendish karaokes, (which for the life of me, fail to understand why the entire neighborhood needs to know how a bullfrog can croak better). But today and on this spot I do not need to speak. The cross itself speaks volumes to everyone who laid eyes on it. To some it thrusts a woeful arrow deep into the soul, to most it is a testimony of terrifying promises from a Holy God.

Enter the cross.

The cross needs no introduction. It needs no explanation. It only needs to be lifted up, and people either stare at it, or collectively look the other way. I have seen people laughing boisterously and happen to catch sight of the cross, and immediately turn their heads down. It has the power to immediately speak conviction to the willful sinner, because all people have this God-given and unchanging mechanism called conscience, and it bears witness to what is right and what is wrong. Much callousness brought about with overlay upon overlay of repeated sin and stubbornness make it lose its grinding power in unison with God's law, until the person is numbed down, still retaining right from wrong, but this time seared to the core to ignore conscience, in favor of fleshly gratification. Lust then consumes them, that lying impersonation of true and pure love that temporarily satisfies this man-made personal god called 'self', deluding themselves with perverse lies and illusions instead, that God loves them still despite their open treason and rebellion, their accountability swept under the rug, and their impending judgement ignorantly set aside for the day.

Woe to the city of Marikina. Woe to the Mayor and officials who supported this tragedy. Woe to the indignant idolaters who continuously pervert the right ways of the Lord. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

Woe to us, in turn, if we do not preach the righteous judgement and wrath God promised to the sons of disobedience, and the new life to be found solely in the name of His Christ.

Thank you Lord for the saints who went with us in their prayers.
