Suffer The Little Children

I have had this place near where I work in my mind for more than a month now and this afternoon while the machine was rendering I went out to commute and visit this busy intersection. It was a perfect spot to minister to as people from four major directions converge here. I read off several selected passages specifically targeting man's deliberate attempt to shun God away from their daily considerations, God's reaction to such abandonment of his statutes, its consequences, and the only God-ordained remedy: the cross of Christ.

People, hardened sinners they may be, are equipped with reason. I am not trying to drive them away in anger as much as I am also not sparing them from the pointed truths of scripture, but there is always a better way of saying even the most offensive of truths. It is pointless to preach without the desire to appeal to somebody, that is not to say, to gain results immediately, but I will liken it to the compassion of a loving brother correcting his younger siblings with all patience and perseverance. Jesus did not berate the Samaritan woman at the well for her unlawful relationships, nor did he reprimand Zacchaeus for his deceit, he merely opened a door to connect with them and thereby introduce the gospel. Paul writes to the Corinthians, "..In other words, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting people’s trespasses against them, and he has given us the message of reconciliation. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His plea through us. We plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God!”, and again in Revelation, "..come out of her my people! That you will not be counted as partakers of her sins and receive not her plagues!"

I have seen and heard abrasive and condescending preachers, if that is their direction I will not sway them, but I will not take the same route. Zeal mixed with personality can be gravely misplaced. Paul writes to Timothy, "And the servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome; but be gentle unto all men, able to teach, patient, in meekness correcting those that oppose themselves;" And again to the Colossians, "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man."

After much preaching oftentimes the people themselves come to me to take a tract, as they readily welcome such handouts after hearing truth presented in a manner they can understand. Fish won't come to the bait if they know they'll get hurt. Is there anything wrong with pleading in behalf of God? I would rather they say to me, "I don't like what you preached," than "I don't like you at all." But then this is not a statement that says that I beg for acceptance or applause, nor does it imply I love sinners for who they are; No. Not in any way. My first priority is God's case against them. They are open offenders against God. A lot of people are offended about what God has said, mostly professing Christians, but where are the true Christians who are offended for God’s cause? I am inclined to rightly divide the word of truth, harsh words to the hardened, gentle truth to the humble.

I am the recipient of such gentle correction. Yes, the Lord does not spare the rod, but he doesn't use it on the first offense either. I always go back to how I relate with my children with regards to my relationship with the Father and how he corrects me, and it cascades down to how I treat even the most obnoxious resistance to the gospel. Rebuking with compassion and mercy. If at all necessary, pleading and begging. It doesn't take away from the truth of the Gospel, so I need not go that route. The Lord reserves the right to sentence and condemnation. I merely warn. Warn with firm conviction, not abrasive tirades.

I love how children are always drawn to the reading of the Word. They have such simple hearts. No wonder heaven is reserved for such as these. I have had a couple of these angels come sit and gather beside me all throughout the preaching. This particular trio even offered to help me distribute tracts. A meal reward is well deserved.

I went to a second spot after the first. I did another reading but I ran out of tracts at the first spot. I should really bring more. This is the first time I have stood at two different places in one day and I found it to be fruitful. I believe I can spend at the most one whole day walking about where I am led and just preaching the Word. Another beautiful day ends.
