Suffer The Little Children

I have had this place near where I work in my mind for more than a month now and this afternoon while the machine was rendering I went out to commute and visit this busy intersection. It was a perfect spot to minister to as people from four major directions converge here. I read off several selected passages specifically targeting man's deliberate attempt to shun God away from their daily considerations, God's reaction to such abandonment of his statutes, its consequences, and the only God-ordained remedy: the cross of Christ. People, hardened sinners they may be, are equipped with reason. I am not trying to drive them away in anger as much as I am also not sparing them from the pointed truths of scripture, but there is always a better way of saying even the most offensive of truths. It is pointless to preach without the desire to appeal to somebody, that is not to say, to gain results immediately, but I will liken it to the compassion of a loving brother correcting hi...