Tunko, Bulacan :: May 7, 2017

We headed out to Tunko, near the boundary of Caloocan, not far from a famous Catholic landmark called Grotto. This is another busy intersection that has people coming in and out from four directions. The first time as well, for this place and us, that the cross was lifted high above the people for all to see. My whole family assisted in handing out our home-made tracts and stationed themselves on both corners of the intersection. This is a good starting point in the lives of the children that I pray will take root later on within themselves. That they will take a stand on their own. At the end of the night 149 tracts were delivered into the hands of whom they were meant for.

We do not preach to convert anybody, and regardless of result, we covet nothing but only the testimony of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the salvation of God granted solely through his Son be proclaimed to the people. It is up to Lord to draw people to himself. We were allowed to preach there for more than an hour.

Earlier on in prayer I asked the Lord if it would not be too much to ask if he would send just one person to encourage us tonight. Although he wasn't really obliged to as I wouldn't measure this night to whatever it yields, I simply asked - and the Lord really never lets down :)

After I stepped down, a man in a baseball cap standing in the back, whom I noticed in the corner of my eye as I was speaking, approached me and shook my hand. Introducing himself to be a pastor who was just passing by and saw us and decided to stay to the end of the message. He greatly encouraged us as he himself was also blessed by what he saw. He invited us over to a small church in Gumaoc, North next Sunday where he would be speaking. So when I heard "small" I was already glad. I thank the Lord for such an encouraging witness.

May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward for his suffering.
