Trabajo Market, Sampaloc, Manila :: May 6, 2017
My daughter and I had 45 minutes to kill before we were to fetch her sister from school. Having the new tracts on hand what better way to pass time than to pass out tracts instead?
Their dormitory was in the middle of a busy market area where lots of people pass by. After parking a street away I stood at a quiet spot on the side and started handing out, which for the first part of the whole episode, many ignored. And so I had to tell them it was free of charge, no expense, and were just being given away.
There was a time when some well-meaning street preachers stood on streets to deliver the Gospel but they had envelopes and were asking for money. This I believed hardened the people more into viewing this as nothing more than a money making scheme. I knew I had that against me, but also knew that the Lord was with me. After some patience and mercy, all the tracts had gone.
I say mercy because all the while I was handing tracts out, I was also pleading with the people to turn to the Lord, as if he was making a request to them through me. I was praying at the same time that I would have more love and compassion for them, without which, all my efforts would have been merely duty, and therefore futile. It takes love to deliver an offensive message, and compassion to keep standing at a place where nobody wants you.
May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering.
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