Encouraging Encounters

God has graced me with precious brethren in my walk that has been for me, both instrumental  and inspirational. The following text was posted in Facebook by my friend and brother, Pastor Derek. I thought I'd share it here to exhort the saints in laboring further for the kingdom one way or another. Despite the strict lockdown in their part of the metro, he has been faithfully visiting the market daily for over a month now to distribute tracts and preach the gospel. Here is one recorded account. May you be encouraged. Glory to God alone. 

BEING A "SPIRITUAL FRONTLINER" IN THE MIDST OF THE COVID CRISIS. Greetings, friends and supporters! As many of you know, from my previous post on April 7, our area here in the Philippines was placed on "Enhanced Community Quarantine" beginning on March 17 until May 15. Under the "enhanced quarantine" great restrictions were placed on everyone. Yet, people were legally allowed to go out to the market and store to buy food and other items if you had a quarantine pass. I took that opportunity to walk to the market each day to get food but I also used my time as an "outreach to the market." What follows is a brief update about my adventures in a being a "spiritual frontliner for Jesus." 

1. I SPENT 57 DAYS IN MARKET MINISTRY! I went to the market areas 57 days from March 17 until May 15! The only days I missed were 3 times when the local government closed all the markets. Normally (after the first few weeks) I would spend at least an hour or two in ministry in the markets. Our area is now "general quarantine" (not as strict) but I continue to go to the markets for ministry. 

 2. GOD PROVIDED A NICE FACE SHIELD! People are required to wear a mask/face shield when they go outside. Initially I wore a face shield that I made out of a water bottle. :-) This was okay but it was very hot. One day a man pulled up beside me and gave me a nicer shield….the one I have in the picture above! I was so blessed by his gift! It really helped my ministry. 

 3. SHARING JESUS IN THE MIDST OF THE CRISIS! During my "market outreaches" I usually wore the same bright, neon green "Jesus Is Your Only Hope Preaching Shirt." Everybody here knows me because of that "Jesus shirt!" :-) I continued to wear a "smile on my face"….trying to bring a little joy to people. Each day I would usually distribute Gospel tracts. A lot of people got my tracts. God would bring individuals along for me to talk with. As I had opportunity, I began preaching in the markets to the multitudes of people! Regularly God directed me to needy, hungry people in order for me to help them financially. I made many new friends with those I met on my "market outreaches." Seeds were planted! The Gospel was proclaimed! 

 4. MY FAVORITE STORY! Last week, I was preaching in the local market. I was doing my best to preach in Tagalog, the local language. I was standing in the middle of the hot sun and it was scorching! I preached straight for like one hour! I really had no idea who was actually listening. I just kept on preaching! After I finished preaching, a young lady walked up and handed me a piece of paper. This is what was written on the paper: "I believe in Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing (the) Gospel for us. I am blessed because even I'm not going to church because of quarantine, I have heard the Gospel (through you). Jesus is near ..Coming Soon!" Wow! What an encouragement to me! Many churches here are not meeting (face to face) because of the quarantine. Hence this precious young lady said that she was blessed to hear the Gospel from me. THERE I WAS, DEREK JOHNS, AN UNWORTHY SERVANT OF JESUS, PREACHING THE GOSPEL IN A VERY CHALLENGING PLACE, THE LOCAL MARKET – AND I BECAME AN INSTRUMENT OF GOD'S BLESSING TO THIS YOUNG LADY! OH THE MARVELOUS RICHES OF GOD'S GRACE! This young lady's message alone will help keep me going back to the markets each week to proclaim the Gospel! Glory to God! 

 SPIRITUAL FRONTLINERS ARE STILL NEEDED! Many of you might not be able to do what I am doing and go to the local markets for ministry (although some of you in the Philippines surely can!). Some of you might not even be able to leave your house. 
Yet, in some way, you can be a SPIRITUAL FRONTLINER in this time of crisis! Let us be careful BUT LET US NOT BE CONTROLLED BY FEAR! Let us do whatever we can in order to reach people for Jesus in this time of crisis! PLEASE CONTINUE TO KEEP US IN YOUR PRAYERS. Thanks and God bless you all!
