Daily Devotional and Scripture Memorization

I regularly receive email from Voice of the Martyrs and was truly blessed with this particular one that I thought I might share it here to exhort the brethren into digging deeper into the word. To quote from the VOM site: "Iran’s Islamic government is among the most oppressive regimes in the world, and Christians there face constant threat of imprisonment. Many Christians gather in secret or receive teaching through Christian media smuggled into the country, while others watch satellite television programs that broadcast the gospel and offer discipleship training in Farsi. B ibles are highly restricted in Iran; it is illegal to import them or to print them inside the country. Since they are so difficult to obtain, Bibles are treasured by Iranian believers." It is difficult to imagine being a believer under this kind of rule, but we are accountable for the freedom we enjoy in having unrestricted access to the word of God, and it would be prudent to assume we will not always h...