Week 1. Day 3.
I spent a good while sitting there just watching the crowd and looking intently at the faces of the people passing by. I saw one vendor happily servicing her buyer with her items, and after the customer left she slumped back in her chair but the huge smile she had just seconds ago was gone. She looked really tired. It was humid, and noisy, it smelled. You can tell for most of them it was a long day; pure chaos. I felt totally inadequate. I was afraid, nervous,and I wanted to simply leave. But who else will tell them?
I courted and pleaded with the people for an hour. God is He who justifies the ungodly. Christ died not for the righteous, but for sinners. Not for the good ones, but for the bad ones. The doctor is for the sick, not the healthy. The Savior is for the sinner, not the saintly. And for the first time I realized towards the evening, the vendors were silently listening. This is the third day for this week. 17 vendors came and personally asked for free bibles. May they be granted to ask for the Savior in the end.
For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: To the latter it is a smell of death unto death; to the former a fragrance of life unto life. And who is sufficient for such things?
2 Corinthians 2:15
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