A journal entry. 3AM. December. 2020. Thoughts. Meditation. Paraphrasing ideas.
We have known sins. We have secret sins. We have sins we acknowledge openly before God. We have sins known only to God. The person who goes about to justify himself, and to plead a righteousness of his own, makes his defence his offence, and his own mouth condemns him even in his effort to acquit himself.
Only a good man knows the deceitfulness of his own heart, for in his care in guarding it he often discovers many sins that have slipped by unnoticed, laying silently undiscovered. He knows more to be suspicious of evil in himself than he is really conscious of, and therefore will by no means think of justifying himself before God. There is helplessness is knowing he sins. There is also hope in admitting he sins.
If any man say he has no sin, not only does he deceive himself but he lays great offence to God; for in saying he has no sin he sins, and declares the truth of God to be a lie, for God Himself has concluded all under sin.
Man's assumption of sinlessness prove himself instead to be perverse, proud, ignorant, and presumptuous. I may think myself to be perfect, yet I do not know my soul. I would not be mindful about extending my life longer while it is laden with all these miseries.
Though my conscience is free from guilt I do not believe my heart. When it insists on my innocency at the end of my years I will in no wise contend with God, for it is utter folly. After rendering wholehearted service for the kingdom's cause I am left with nothing to plead for myself, but instead I throw myself at the mercy of God.
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