
Showing posts from March, 2021

FVR, Sapang Palay

I was finally enabled to travel back to this familiar place and witness against it. The LORD brought no small attention to us as the proclamation of the law did its work. People came out, some sat beside us, some stood across us, some sat on their terraces, workers sat out front. There were motorists who stopped to inquire with my daughter. One man asked if he can have more tracts so he can give it out as well. A few jeered, yet all were severely warned. The place was not very promising when we arrived. We expected a low turn out even now that there is again a circulating mandate to reinforce tighter protocols. But shortly after we commenced God brought in his audience. The whole place was bustling in no time. I have seen this often happen in places where I would judge it vain to stand as there were scarcely any soul present, but Father has taught me that one soul is too precious to pass over. I need not concern myself with numbers. I simply needed to be faithful in delivering m...

The Merit Of Your Faith

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.. Matthew 7:21 ..but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. Matthew 10:22

Old Ways

It is both amazing and difficult to talk to old folk. Amazing in that I get to hear stories from past lives, troubles, hardships, lessons, and loss. Difficult in that these people rarely have anyone willing to listen. I can tell from the moment they begin their story, to the last minute before we part. They cannot get enough to tell me about their life. Indeed the Gospel is the goal, but to get there, I need to go through the law first - and this is where grace is much needed. I have listened to much presentations of the gospel. We have much resource on the subject especially now that we have the internet, so that there is not a shortage of doctrinal studies about confessions of faith, theology - systematic and otherwise, sermons, but a few on the subject and importance of presenting the law, and placing the person you are talking to on trial to be convicted and found guilty before God. It is wrong to assume one talk will suffice. Oftentimes you need to go back again and again to talk ...

Studies on the Eight Major Doctrines of Salvation

Continuing our analysis of each important doctrine as we push for further understanding the work of God in our salvation, who Christ is and what He did, and how His Spirit progressively sanctifies us towards that final day. God be praised. We are redeeming the time as our brethren in other countries, where Christian persecution is increasingly becoming the norm, continue to fall under the shadow of the enemy, but our response to this looming darkness is to know God more that we may rest our minds in Christ when our time to stand comes.

Foundational Studies

That short stop in the fields of Pandi one windy evening bore fruit. We have been extremely blessed to recently finish week two of our (very slow and meticulous) daily studies on the foundations of salvation and the Christian faith. This is added work. Recording and editing is tedious, but a most refreshing labor. I need to divide my time between working, construction, and ministry. But I am fully aware of the days of free worship coming to a close, and burying our feet deep into the foundations of our chief cornerstone is the only refuge we have in securing our minds to be settled in Christ our hope. Some notable items gifted to us for this month. 1. A revival of religion in the family, gifting us with wisdom in our daily bible class as we push further towards knowing what Father had in mind for us, what Christ has done for us, and how with utmost care, does the Holy Spirit preserves us. 2. Father was pleased to add four more precious souls to our care, and we have at last se...


This is their fourth venture out into the streets as mother and daughter, and especially this time, I was not with them. I rest in God. My little one is still improving on her delivery and speech, but already her voice carries the full weight of God's word. They disposed all the tracts they had, as the people personally came to ask of them, and those whom they gave to, readily received.

Professing Faith Alone Does Not Save - Part IV

  A.D. 1560. Pope Pius IV, ordered all the Protestants to be severely persecuted throughout the Italian states, when great numbers of every age, sex, and condition, suffered martyrdom. Concerning the cruelties practiced on this occasion, a learned and humane Roman Catholic thus spoke of them, in a letter to the noble lord: "I cannot forebear disclosing my sentiments, with respect to the executions now carrying on: I think it cruel and unnecessary; I tremble at the manner of putting to death, _ it resembles more the slaughter of calves and sheep, than the execution of human beings.  I will relate to your lordship a dreadful scene, of which I myself an eye witness: seventy Protestants were cooped up in one filthy dungeon together; the executioner went in among them, picked out one from among the rest, blindfolded him, led him out to an open place before the prison, and cut his throat with the greatest composure. He then calmly walked into the prison again, bloody as he was, and ...

The Neglect of The Third Person

I was in my teen years when long-distance phone calls were an exciting thing. I can still remember the sound of the operator asking if we wished to receive the call. When I was already working there was also a communication  loophole that circulated that enabled you to use the presidential hotline to make calls to anywhere in the world unlimited for free. And sometime after that I imagined that in the near future we wouldn't be just talking to people and  hearing them, but also seeing them at the same time. Way before pagers came into existence.  Virtual meetings became the necessary norm since last year. Communications have come a long way since, and I believe God has ordained this in a way to 'speed things up'. Taking advantage of the skills that has been entrusted to me in the field of visual media, the LORD gained for Himself souls this way, whom He has led to me, and thus enabled me to watch over and care for. Our small daily bible class has grown in the short three ...


A journal entry. 3AM. December. 2020. Thoughts. Meditation. Paraphrasing ideas.  We have known sins. We have secret sins. We have sins we acknowledge openly before God. We have sins known only to God. The person who goes about to justify himself, and to plead a righteousness of his own, makes his defence his offence, and his own mouth condemns him even in his effort to acquit himself. Only a good man knows the deceitfulness of his own heart, for in his care in guarding it he often discovers many sins that have slipped by unnoticed, laying silently undiscovered. He knows more to be suspicious of evil in himself than he is really conscious of, and therefore will by no means think of justifying himself before God. There is helplessness is knowing he sins. There is also hope in admitting he sins.  If any man say he has no sin, not only does he deceive himself but he lays great offence to God; for in saying he has no sin he sins, and declares the truth of God to be a lie, for God...

Into The Hand of God

"Brother, what is this about?" asked the young worker who stepped out of the eatery where he was working to personally ask for a tract. "It's about the day of your sure death," I said. He answered, "I am a Christian. I attend the church at PTT." His voice was on the "soft" side, but I didn't question his profession. "Then make sure to cling to Christ at all cost." He said he will, and thanked me. I crossed the street to where my daughter was about to read the scriptures to the crowd. This is an Islamic area of the town. The place where we stood last Thursday was also an Islamic population. I can see a trailing pattern: the LORD has sheep in the Muslim community. And this, along with a burden in my heart that has been there for so long : to take the gospel to the Muslims under Quiapo, Manila - (and testify against religion at Quiapo church), is a seed that is steadily growing in me, howbeit, slowly. For now we are here.  The crow...

Professing Faith Alone Does Not Save - Part III

After the examination was finished, the archbishop endeavored to prevail on Mr. Wishart to recant; but he was too firmly fixed in his religious principles and too much enlightened with the truth of the Gospel, to be in the least moved. On the morning of his execution there came to him two friars from the cardinal; one of whom put on him a black linen coat, and the other brought several bags of gunpowder, which they tied about different parts of his body. As soon as he arrived at the stake, the executioner put a rope round his neck and a chain about his middle, upon which he fell on his knees and thus exclaimed: “O thou Savior of the world, have mercy upon me! Father of heaven, I commend my spirit into Thy holy hands.” After this he prayed for his accusers, saying, “I beseech thee, Father of heaven, forgive them that have, from ignorance or an evil mind, forged lies of me: I forgive them with all my heart. I beseech Christ to forgive them that have ignorantly condemned me.” He was then ...

Professing Faith Alone Does Not Save - Part II

A young Englishman who happened to be at Rome, was one day passing by a church, when the procession of the host was just coming out. A bishop carried the host, which the young man perceiving, he snatched it from him, threw it upon the ground, and trampled it under his feet, crying out, “Ye wretched idolaters, who neglect the true God, to adore a morsel of bread.” This action so provoked the people that they would have torn him to pieces on the spot; but the priests persuaded them to let him abide by the sentence of the pope. When the affair was represented to the pope, he was so greatly exasperated that he ordered the prisoner to be burnt immediately; but a cardinal dissuaded him from this hasty sentence, saying that it was better to punish him by slow degrees, and to torture him, that they might find out if he had been instigated by any particular person to commit so atrocious an act. This being approved, he was tortured with the most exemplary severity, notwithstanding which they cou...

Late Afternoon

Our second time at this place in Pandi. It wasn't as crowded as it previously was, but we finally were able to minister to this busy street beside Shell gas station. My daughter and I stood on different spots at the start to cover more ground in giving away tracts. Her notable encounter for the day is a talk with a man who boasts about his Christianity and his relative who was a pastor. I did not join in on their conversation, but I took out the lapel and pleaded with the crowd instead. It was obviously a Muslim crowd, but our kind Father's grace shone through in that they actually listened. The man who owned the stall we stood in front of shook my hand as we were leaving. He reacted much with affirmation on the preaching of the word. His name is Halamudim, and I promised him I would pray for him. We thanked him for allowing us to use his space. We left him a tract, and he thanked us twice before we left. Muslims do not usually take tracts on the go, but after hearing what we h...