Meet Aaron
My own dear son in the faith who lives in the US, recently lost his job. He sent me this precious photo of him on his way to wait on the LORD for a soul to minister to. Father has greatly encouraged him the previous day when He opened an opportunity for him to talk with another soul about Christ. He thus shared with me his joy.
I pray everyday to get closer to Christ. For the past few days I was actually praying to Jesus that he use me even though I did not know how as I am a shy introverted person who is scared of talking to people.This morning when I hit the laundry, I was short of change so I got to the nearest restaurant to get change. When I came back to the laundromat, I saw a homeless black gentleman who went inside to charge his phone. I tried to break the ice by asking if he wanted to split the burrito I had with me. He obliged which I am happy with. Then I asked for his name then we prayed. After that we talked outside and a lot about of things related while he was eating. Little did I know he knew some verses in the bible, and even knew that the verse "it is easier for a camel to enter to the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of God was not to be taken literally which I am fully aware of.Moving on like maybe 30 mins of talking, he suddenly pulled out an aluminum foil that's shaped like a blunt and began smoking in front of me. I know the risks, I could get stabbed and worse get killed. But I rebuked him, asking him, "did you know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit?" And also, "be sober and vigilant for the devil is like a roaring lion seeking whome he may devour." He gives me this reason that God created marijuana so it's okay, not like meth chemicals etc.. but I still rebuked him for his addictions. He gave me another reason that he tells me it calms him down because he has a lot of problems like anxiety and he claims that demons were attacking him. I told him that it's better to run to Christ when you're dealing with problems, not to marijuana. He was still insistent.I ended up telling him, "trust the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto your own understanding, acknowledge him in all your ways and he shall direct thy paths." Also that time I brought my bible which I don't usually do and I offered it to him. He was also reluctant about that because he said, "what about you then?" I said that I have another bible at home so I insisted in giving it to him. He obliged. I then said to him before I left to start his day with prayer and by reading God's word. We parted ways with smiles and a God bless you.Going back at home, I immediately put my praise and worship songs while folding my laundry and being silly and jumping around my room with joy which i haven't had for a long time.
Such a simple soul. There is a tinge of envy in my spirit to have such child-like faith as he has. My heart goes out to him in a jealous fervor to protect him. I was tremendously honored by Father when He enabled my wife and I to make the trip to their home in Quezon City to meet his sick yet saintly mother before the LORD finally called her home.
He is still a baby believer, without a church, attending a small bible study group, but with a head full of innocent questions regarding everything he reads in scripture. The LORD is teaching me a lot of things as I teach him and grow along with him. Her sister, who is currently struggling in the faith, is also in my pleadings with the LORD.

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