In time with our resumed daily bible studies, the young lady who met with us in our previous public ministry in Sta. Maria granted us the honor of her presence by visiting us and joining our family bible class. We talked about many things regarding the larger picture of God's redemptive work, salvation, and the transcendence of Christ, being the glory of God. Father opened to us His word with such clarity that magnified His name further. I myself was amazed to see the wonder in her eyes as she heard truth upon truth unfold, regarding God's timeline and purpose, man's decay and depravity, and the beautiful things God has prepared for those who love Him. Father has humbled me once again in granting me such privilege in opening another soul to His graces. The four hours seemed like just an hour.
I was on my way home from San Miguel around 7PM. My thoughts still with me, as I was enjoying the cold evening breeze that blew against the whistling pine trees, I passed by a small church on the side of the road. I heard joyful singing, and thought of turning back. And so I did. Parking across the field where it was fairly lit, I can barely hear the testimonies of about five attendees from where I was, having anonymous "fellowship" with them without being seen. I simply wanted to listen as much as I could without staying out too late. I listened as each of them thanked God for their time in one particular bible study, probably held fairly recently. And after processing everything I briefly heard, I knew why I stopped here. I blessed Father for the gentle reminder and rebuke. But I could not wait any longer for the pastor to speak, because I haven't had lunch yet and dinner was waiting, I headed home. Thankful for what I heard.

My family held bible studies the year before we moved to where we presently were. It was rewarding for me, that even on occasions when I wasn't able to lead due to my schedule, to know that the children would continue to hold the daily meetings. Either my wife will lead, or when we were both absent, my eldest would lead her siblings. We were studying Proverbs verse by verse. And the blessing of the LORD upon the children was clearly evident. But then for some petty reason, we stopped. We shouldn't have stopped. The daily studies were quickly reduced to weekly meetings, and further down to just occasional gatherings. Church became my crutch and excuse. But I thank the LORD for reviving my spirit with that short stay on the side of the road, to once again put things back in order.
I am confident my personal overnight watches will have new meaning from hereon, and much needed peace. My purpose in watching will still be solely on behalf of the LORD's name being continually blasphemed, and my nation's grievous sin against the holiness of God. Yes I am continually in need: in need of boldness, in need of the fear of the LORD, in need of zeal for His name and His ever advancing kingdom. Yes I am told to make my requests known to God, and my requests are for His kingdom to come, His will to be done, and for Christ to be mine.
As for my personal needs, I need not remind Father of it, in the same way I need not remind Father to save me. I need Christ more than ever, more than I need food or health. I have never lacked anything I need for my family since day 1, but LORD, do I need Christ every waking moment of the day. No bird prays to be fed, no flower begs to be clothed. Solomon asked for the greater thing. I ask for the greatest thing: Christ. Let the LORD of all the earth do so to me according to His will.
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