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The scheduled Tuesday outreach was moved a day later to accommodate a brother who wanted to join us in public proclamation. And it was for our good. How refreshing it is to hear the gospel spoken by another. It is always pleasant when brethren dwell together in unity (Psalms 133:1). Jhet was recently enabled by the Spirit to understand the doctrines of grace. He and Jordan started in the same ministry years ago, however steeped in doctrinal error. And when it pleased God to open Jordan's understanding to His sovereignty, Jhet became his opposition. But now he also has been enabled to understand the truth about God's person, and if He is willing, we will labor in the LORD's vineyard together from hereon.


The tricycle drivers and vendors comprised our audience today. Not only were they attentive, but they welcomed the tracts cheerfully, and came back to ask for their co-workers as well. My stash was gone even before it was my turn to speak, and the few bibles that I managed to bring, they also received with thankfulness. I can see people from afar straining to our direction, the thought of which somewhat comforted me. God has people listening. Always. Especially when we do not see them. They are there. All that is needed is the faithful preaching of the biblical gospel. The LORD will work the rest.

We are down to our last hundred tracts and ten bibles. As I look at our remaining supplies I am in awe at the number of tracts and bibles that have passed unto people's hands by God's provision through this humble ministry. We are nothing compared to the already existing ministries in the land, but Father has been truly faithful to us. May the LORD refresh our supplies soon.
