Off To Mindanao

We were privileged to have had a small part in the Lord's ministry through a dear sister who does open-air preaching in Dipolog, Zamboanga. I was moved to contact her and open up the idea of sponsoring her tracts. Being the months before the yearly December film fest, I was staying in almost 6 times a week in the studio with barely clocking in 4 hours of sleep a day since late September. I fell sick when I came home last night but I devoted this day and set my mind to get this done among the many backlogs in my to-do list.

This specific tract is in the Visayan dialect, ( I think..). It excites me to know a person at the far end of the country would be reading it. The cello vs. printer exchange was a wise move. The money used for the materials and parcel came from our own ministry fund, where we set aside part of our salary for the Lord's work. He has graciously provided for our needs himself. 

May Lord Jesus Christ be lifted up, and bring his prodigal sons and daughters back to himself.
