After Two Months

For the last two months I have been both staying in and up working on our December projects, barely clocking in 25 hours of sleep a week. I wasn't able to work in the streets as I would like to during this time, occasionally managing to sneak some time out in the morning to distribute tracts at my nearby haunts. But what I lost in external ministry I gained in much needed time for the inner man, as prayer became my main occupation on a lot of silent and lonely mornings. There is something in these 4 AM meetings that refreshes me as time and time again I am brought into severe and constant self examination. "Search me O, Lord.." was my constant cry. Worship became my yearning. I am oftentimes reduced to being silent before the Lord, unable to speak. In my utter helplessness to impress the Lord with words, He was so much magnified before me. On our last week before submission I was finally able to go out again to minister to a place that has been on my mind of late. I...