Our Tracts

Back in April, when the desire to publicly witness for the Lord was given to me, along with it came help in the form of brethren. It was clear then what the ministry would be founded on, and with what spirit should it proceed with. It was through the kindness of brother Paul Latour of The Word Street Journal that a template from which we were to model our tracts from was provided for us, as well as the inspiration for the Are You Ready cross.

Since then the tract has gone through a number of iterations to be able to present the implications of the Law and the saving grace of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ more clearly to Filipinos. Each tract is a labor of love, taken out of our daily allowance and individually cut by hand, and printed on double sided 120 gsm gloss paper. Why mention all of this? That if somehow the Lord would begin a new work in someone soon, I may be of help to them, like the brethren were to us when we needed direction. Second, to remind us that we represent the Creator King even in something so simple as a tract. And last, to communicate that we give value to every person who receives this. God is worthy. He's not asking that every tract should be as expensive as a diamond ring, but that our intentions for God should exceed our motives for purchasing such a ring. It would be improper for me to emphasize detail and value with regards to my secular work, compared to this priceless ministry that has been granted me. The value of everything that is for the Lord should always outweigh the value I put into any worldly work. We have even thrown away a couple of hundreds of these for having the smallest typo errors. As king David once said, I will not offer unto the Lord that which cost me nothing.

These are ready for this coming Wednesday's festivity. It excites me to imagine that somewhere in this bundle is a tract the Lord would use to call a person to himself. 

Glorify thy name O Lord.
