Free Bibles

As part of our work, we buy bibles to give away for free. Yes, free. No charge. We believe that we are wasting such a great opportunity in taking our freedom to feast on God's Word for granted, whereas there are parts on this earth where owning a bible meant death. There are persecuted Christian's who go to great lengths to hide and keep torn-off fragments of scripture in their mouths to pass on to other Christians. While they fight for their lives in taking hold of just one piece of paper with a bible verse, we comfortable ingrates need to be reminded to even glance at the cover of our bibles, much less bring them to fellowship because we have fancy phones with bibles in them already. The modern landscape is overflowing with digital bibles yet we are still as dead as a door nail. Such is the dross and lukewarmness of our day.

It is in this spirit of urgency and thankfulness for lenient mercy towards our country that we want to take every opportunity to get God's Word in the hands of as many people as possible. The time is short and reading or owning it won't be free forever. How much emphasis we put in God's Word reflect the value of who God is in your life.

The Old & New Testament bibles are going for free to a church where several of its members have yet to own one. The New Testament versions are free giveaways along with our tracts. The expenses are currently taken out of my daily allowance,  so I can only buy as much in a month. I have since taken to commuting instead of driving to save money just to buy bibles and support our ministry needs. If you want to help and are burdened to do so you can contact me. I'll provide the gas money. If you need a copy you can also just ask and I'll be happy to provide you one.

May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering.
