Her First Public Scripture Reading
Moureen, our daughter in the LORD, did her first reading of scripture in the power of the Spirit. Unashamedly. There was no hint of apprehension in her voice, nor holding back in her demeanor. Somebody somewhere was asking the LORD to send laborers into the harvest, and my eyes have been witness to His mighty answer.
Neil who has since joined in the labor demonstrated his sincerity by moving all his work and belongings from Pasig, to Bulacan, - without telling us, so he can fellowship with us. To my added surprise, he ordered tracts from my printer for himself, bought his own bullhorn and lapel, and constructed his own cross. Such earnestness to take the Lord's work seriously! May Father prune him into utmost fruitfulness.
My daughter did the first reading, Moureen did the second, Neil carried the repent cross, my beloved wife made rounds distributing tracts to everyone, and my daughter Ky assisted us. I finished with pleadings to the crowd. And the cross? It was also doing its work. There were people who approached us asking about the cross. They left with tracts in hand.
These young ones go out on their own without me telling them to do so. Ministering alone even in the muslim areas of Santa Maria. My wife and daughter out of high regard for the Lord's work also insisted on their own public ministry every week. God moves all of them in His power.
The LORD has impressed upon us obedience out of love for God and His kingdom. Agape. Not Filio. He has moved us out of obligatory work, and into free and joyful service. May He keep us from temptation, deliver us from the evil of men, and enable us to stand before the Son of man in glory.

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