Last Thursday of August
Father comforted me greatly last night. My wife and I had fellowship around 2AM regarding fresh realizations in our new direction. Filipinos have a tendency to simply keep silent, and instead not to stir the waters just to avoid the ire and attention of their peers. Disturbing the status quo is unthinkable for spineless cowards. Even most who take pride about their orthodoxy in sound doctrine do not command the authority to demand holiness from the flock entrusted to them. Most preachers in our day desire to have a ‘ministry’ to show off the world what they have accomplished for Christ.
“Anything which is endured today in the religious world cannot be sound doctrine; anything which is approved of, well-attended, popular, is not sound ‘doctrine’. When God raises up His servant, equips him and sends him forth to preach, that servant will necessarily preach the word, and denounce all that is opposed to the world: hence his message is bound to be unpopular, in fact hated by all who are not regenerated”. Those who are“poor in spirit” have nothing in common with the self-satisfied Laodiceans. And how “distressed" in soul are they over the worldliness that has come in like a flood, over the crowds of unregenerate members, over the utter absence of any scriptural discipline? And what is to be the attitude and actions of God's grieved children toward those having nothing more than a form of godliness? This – “from such turn away” (2 Timothy 3:5). Identify yourself with Christ on the outside; walk alone with him”!
-Arthur Pink
In the future, I will post parts of what I have recorded in my journal here regarding our experience of leaving the congregation, and the inconsistencies of self-confessed churches that claim to despise tradition yet is neck deep in its practice.
Father comforted me greatly today. Two of my children were out on their own reading scripture in public when they happen to message me, and I was in the same area where they were. Many things happened this afternoon that would enrich their fruitful experience. In the middle of preaching, we were also approached by the National Police and were politely told to move to another location as per complaint from a certain government official in the nearby municipal hall. I was pleased to know our preaching rang that far and shook somebody important, enough to tell us to stop. We simply continued to distribute tracts and talk to people.
Looking at these two ministering to people warmed my heart. Praise God for this wonderful gift.
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