Ponder This

In Matthew 27:22, Pilate the Roman Governor of Israel asks this question. "What shall I do with Jesus who is called the Christ?" And while on the other hand he over assumed his power in that he couldn't really do anything with Jesus by his own power and authority, on the other hand, the question is a legitimate question, and it is a question which faces every human being.

What will I do with Jesus who is called Christ?

You will answer that question. You are answering that question. You have answered that question.

Your answer will have no effect on Jesus, it will have an eternal effect on you.

Snners still live with the illusion that they can make a judgement on Jesus Christ and avoid Him making a judgement on them.

You judge Jesus wrongly, and He will judge you rightly. The question is not what you will do with Jesus. The question is when He sees you face to face, what will He do with you.

John MacArthur
