First Fruits
Neil, my son in the faith, sent me this picture of his own tract he personally printed. He once travelled all the way from Pasig City just to labor with us for the first time in Novaliches, and has since joined us in our public proclamations, eventually coming home with us on a whim to attend weekend worship with the saints here. Father has blessed me with young souls who are passionate for Him (may it please the LORD to uphold their desire for the work).
Our personal family ministry started with the same seed planted when we were first starting. Again worth commending is the kindness of my dear brother Paul Latour who unselfishly shared his tract and ministry with us. His tract became the basis for the Tagalog version of the "Are You Ready" tract and cross. We are eternally grateful to God for this brother's life, ministry, and selfless act.

I have shared the account of another of my son, Aaron, who has also started on his own in sharing the gospel, but I am also greatly excited to share the account of another soul whom the LORD brought into our class. In spite of her inexperience, she firmly resolved to proclaim Christ in the public square, against major odds and resistance, motivated with a love for His name, and a burning will to obey His commands. But perhaps on a later date.
I have always asked the LORD if I will ever be of any use for His kingdom, as He has done so with many of His children. But the more I realize the answer, the more I repent in asking. Ministry is nowhere near as exciting as the fulfillment of getting to know Christ. That and to nurture His children, in the study of the Word, to become dedicated soldiers of the cross. Vessels fit for the Master's use. Father is able to multiply my few loaves and fish for His glory.
Military soldiers do not engage in combat without a thorough understanding of their equipment, and of warfare. Doctors do not practice without spending years to master their specialty. But I am afraid there are a lot of preachers out there who preach a gospel they merely heard from YouTube, and a Christ they know little of. A ministry that has taken precedence over a Christ they have little or no love for. All other courses of ministry must proceed out of an unquenchable yearning to know more of Christ, else all ministry is a labor in futility. It is the arm of the flesh. And God gets no glory from it.
Next week, LORD willing, we resume our evening classes.
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