
Showing posts from June, 2021

The LORD's Mercies

Book Study. 26th of June. 2021   Your near and dear mercies were first the LORD's before they were yours - and always the LORD's more than they were yours. When God gives mercy, he does not relinquish His own right in that mercy. 1 Chronicles 29.14 Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand. The sweet of mercy is yours, but the sovereign right to dispose of your mercies is the LORD's. Whatever you are, you owe to Him who made you; and whatever you have, you owe to Him who redeemed you. You say it is but just and reasonable that men should do with their own as they please, and is it not just and reasonable that God, who is LORD paramount, should do with His own as He pleases? Do you believe that the great God may do in heaven as He pleases? And on the seas what He pleases? And on the nations and kingdoms of the world what He pleases? And do you not believe that God may do in your house what He pleases, and do with your mercies what He ple...

Our Printer

The LORD sent funds through the generosity of two brethren for our recently depleted supply. We never tell anyone of our need, my God has always been faithful, not by happenstance - but specifically. Along with the work I do to support the ministry, Father has gifted us with an extremely accommodating printer for our tracts. We have been doing business with them since we started 2017 and are pleased with their service that it is only proper to return the favor. This particular fresh stash has 200 free pieces as a compliment. If you are local, and you ever need a printer, give Dynaspan Printing a call at +639163866337. They are over at Las PiƱas.  

Modern Humanistic Churches

I do not even have words. This is what has become of the church where I first came to know the LORD. It was mighty in prayer then. Different denominations would attend its powerful overnight watches, people wailing towards the throne of heaven filling the entire auditorium, spilling onto the sidewalk and out on the streets - kneeling. Till they took out prayer, and the hellish stench of humanism crept in. The focus was slowly shifted to the excellency of man. It has since had its share of schism, where several pastors and the congregation were divided in maintaining the sanctity of the pulpit. The leadership chose to rent out the convent to secular use, rave parties and concerts. A huge number of members left to find other churches, only to wind up in other worldly mega-gatherings. Out of the fire and into the frying pan. The terrifying thing is this is not the only one of its kind. This is the fruit of erroneous doctrine, and teachings of men. A quote from the atheist Bruce Lee is und...

Bulacan Capitol Park

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth. Like a lamb led to the slaughter and like a sheep silent before her shearers, He did not open His mouth. Isaiah 53:7 Currently, I am reading The Mute Christian Under the Smarting Rod Of God, by Thomas Brooks. Father has, in the past year, quieted my prayers into silence. The more I am awakened to abhorring my wretchedness, the more I am unable to say anything. What can I say to my God who has numbered my words? When words fail in despair, the only thing left is to be silent before the LORD. One puritan preacher rightfully puts it, the highest form of prayer is speechless. The LORD had shut up Hannah's womb and was barren. Such desperation drove her to grieve. She wept! Not only did she weep, but she wept till she was sore. She was in bitterness of soul. She was pouring her heart out to the LORD, but no word came out of her mouth. For her pleading God not only gave her request for a man child - He gave her far more....

First Fruits

Neil, my son in the faith, sent me this picture of his own tract he personally printed. He once travelled all the way from Pasig City just to labor with us for the first time in Novaliches, and has since joined us in our public proclamations, eventually coming home with us on a whim to attend weekend worship with the saints here. Father has blessed me with young souls who are passionate for Him (may it please the LORD to uphold their desire for the work). The LORD graciously held back the burning in his heart to immediately go out and share the gospel, and directed it to an even greater and more wonderful pursuit, that of knowing Christ. Through our evening classes, God opened his eyes to the majestic beauty of God's Son, and the powerful work of the cross. Of the eternal plan set forth from before the foundation of the world, onto the great day of judgement. Growing in the knowledge of Christ, properly equips the eager soul whom He calls into the vineyard. Our personal family min...

The Surety of Judgement

  Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. Ecclesiastes 11:9

Ponder This

In Matthew 27:22, Pilate the Roman Governor of Israel asks this question. "What shall I do with Jesus who is called the Christ?" And while on the other hand he over assumed his power in that he couldn't really do anything with Jesus by his own power and authority, on the other hand, the question is a legitimate question, and it is a question which faces every human being. What will I do with Jesus who is called Christ? You will answer that question. You are answering that question. You have answered that question. Your answer will have no effect on Jesus, it will have an eternal effect on you. Snners still live with the illusion that they can make a judgement on Jesus Christ and avoid Him making a judgement on them. You judge Jesus wrongly, and He will judge you rightly. The question is not what you will do with Jesus. The question is when He sees you face to face, what will He do with you. John MacArthur


I find traveling boring. Sitting for hours just to get to a place is a big waste of precious time for me. It is one of the reason I disdain shooting schedules when I was supervising movies. The long hours waiting in between takes was just too much to throw away. It was very counterproductive. The only compensation I have from it all was I get to visit places I never would have gone to on my own. For the three months we were holding evening bible classes five days a week, I was also struggling to meet my tight deadlines. It took a toll on me one afternoon when I felt a painful jab at the back of my head, and from that day on I can feel things weren't normal anymore. The family finally decided, that I should seriously lessen my load. It was non-negotiable. I was awake for 20 hours almost continuously for weeks. I had to hurtfully announce a break in our daily studies, to finish my current workload, and finally rest. At least that was the plan three weeks ago.  My beloved daughter boo...