Obando, Bulacan
Coming home safe from the long ride with a sore back, I wanted to rest for a while. Realizing with regret and gratitude, that had I remained home this day, that young lady my brother Jhet talked to wouldn't have heard the gospel. The people at that market wouldn't have either. An old lady expressed her dismay at setting aside the things of God for so long that it was time for her to turn back to Him, and thanked me for the tract.
I never would have imagined walking inside many of these places. I never would have imagined having a desperate concern in doing so. To somehow hand over Father's important message to a person of the elect. It could have been anyone I have handed a tract to, in the past and today. It could have been anyone listening to my plea that I will never see. What motivates me is knowing that my Father will make sure His message goes to the hand He intends to find, and to the hand He intends to warn. Yet to my shame, my motivation is not always at its peak, especially at this age. Most of the time I would rather labor alone. Not that I do not cherish the brothers' company. It's just how I am wired. To go out silently, labor silently, and Lord willing, get back home safe silently. But my Father has given me the honor to assist the brethren.
There was a lady who boasted she was ready and sure to go to heaven because she talks to somebody she refers to as "him". I asked her who "him" was and she just motioned a finger upward. So I told her that she can talk to "him" all she wants but if "him" does not know her, she is merely deceiving herself. She claims she doesn't sin anymore as she kept counting her money. Lies are always inconsistent. The LORD show her mercy.
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