Baliuag, Bulacan

I felt the same ominous spirit that I encountered in our Caypombo outreach (May 5, 2018) in this particular place. I have been in places where I immediately perceived an eerie kind of heaviness, and this is one of those places. We were enabled to stand on two ends of a single street, the first had believers thanking us for being here. People readily accepted our tracts, and one security guard even asked a spare for his buddy. But the second location had me feeling, 'No, I don't think this is a good idea, but I have to.' Location two was at the intersection of two very busy streets. We stood with our backs to the post for safety. (Never stand where you can be attacked from the back. Always stand against something.) I learned this earlier on in our ministry when two Muslim youths wanted to pull my pants down while I was standing. They backed off when they realized my son was standing a few meters away watching them. Almost at the start a lady who was clearly out of ...