The Free Fields

I was making up all sorts of petty excuses not to go. It was past 9AM and the sun was scorching hot this morning. I lay on the bed blank and waiting for nothing. But then a flash of people's faces pushed me to get up and prepare. My feet had a mind of their own and in a short time, I was already heading out the gate with just a small water bottle for sustenance. I had not taken breakfast yet, but my soul was reaching towards the spirit's desire. 

Another total lockdown has been declared effective today, but nevermind doctor's orders. The Gospel has to come out. Would I think differently if I knew the LORD would be coming this afternoon? I walked down the dirt road and turned towards the entrance leading to the fields. It has been in my mind this past week to stand in the fields just outside the boundary wall of St. Martha instead of inside its narrow streets, where the megaphone would probably annoy more people than admonish them. I turned on my GPS and walked over a hundred meters to a part of the field that would put me in a good position to reach more houses with my voice. I was assisted mightily as the wind carried my voice far over the houses and bounced back against the walls of the school inside the village. It was echoing all over the place, and people were hearing the word of God well beyond my expectations.

The sun was already up and beating down on my exposed feet, but I was oblivious to it. The LORD showed me grace by sending a cloud to shade me the whole 45 minutes as I read a translated version of the sermon on the mount, and afterward a presentation of the law and sin, followed by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. One house played loud music to drown me out, and a few people came out to see. I saw nobody listening. But that wasn't the point. I simply obeyed.

Thinking I am done, I walked back sheepishly towards the direction of my house. Feeling a lacking inside. Knowing somehow that I'm not done yet, I walked past our gate without thinking, to another portion of a field opposite to where I first stood half a mile away. Again struggling in my flesh and my mind not to do another reading. Truly, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. God's words flashed in my mind, 'whoever professes me before men, I will also profess before my Father in heaven, and whoever is ashamed of me before men, I will also be ashamed of him before my Father in heaven.' Thank you, O Lord. I am such a wretch and You are worthy.

This time the people came out of their houses and sat by their doors to listen to the entire pleading. Midway through my pleading my wife came to bring me water. What great mercy did the LORD show me! I was starting to have double vision because of the heat. She later told me that my voice was being heard well up to our house, and our neighbors stood at the edge of field to watch and listen. I did not see them as I was preaching. It seemed to be a labor in vain at that moment, but God was able to do more with measly loaves and few fishes I brought. I was told by a dear sister who sat to listen that the houses across the main road were mostly Mohammedans. They also came out to hear me.

We are moving into a point in history, wherein the Gospel is being aggressively proclaimed in all the nations. But just as well it is passively ignored. In most, it is either watered down, contained and restrained, and shut down. Pastors being arrested for gathering their congregations are becoming common. People are scampering to lengthen their lives for fear of a virus, bringing to my mind that portion of scripture where it says, 'the people refuse to repent and acknowledge God who has power over these things'. People are in denial, thinking that the current situation is still all about a virus, but it is not. God will indeed send a great lie to people who despise the truth. He will not let His Gospel be spit upon any longer, He will soon take it away in righteous indignation.

We walked home by another route. My head hung low, thinking I could have had a better morning had I not obeyed. God comforted me in my wretchedness. Sacrifices and offerings are not the greatest things I can give back to God, but an ear that He Himself has opened - an ear open to His commands, and a will to do His good pleasure.
