
These photos were sent to me last night by my dear brother Jordan who led his flock in public ministry yesterday morning in a busy market in Bocaue, Bulacan. It blesses me to see this beloved church moving in the right direction.

If you care for the precious bride of Christ please remember them in your prayers. May the Lord guard their beautiful simplicity and prune it into fruitfulness. Remember also, seeing that we are blessed with the freedom to do with little or no resistance, the pastors who are in prison right now for the same cause of Christ, and their families who are missing their husbands and fathers.

We must needs be working fervently in prayer and in the ministry of the word while we have light. The shadow of the enemy looms ahead that threatens to criminalize the rebuking of sin, such as this devilish SOGIE Bill (I hate it with a perfect hatred) that is being proposed by a few proponents of Satan himself. Nonetheless, their father has first to acquire permission from our Father, before he can do anything to us; our God who commands us to move forward under the power of the Holy Ghost is Creator of all. 

Our King, who is mighty to save, is coming. Let us be found laboring at His arrival. Amen.
