Going Home

As in most times I am told to go, this particular bidding was hard on my flesh for reasons I myself cannot recall then, so I will endeavor to explain the remainder of this past Saturday here. I stood for a good while on the stairs after alighting off the train station on my way home, looking at these people who were standing in line waiting for the provincial bus to come in. This is the same line that I take to board my bus. There was nothing out of the ordinary for the line to form this long, except that, at that moment, I knew what the Lord was moving me to do, and so I began to tremble inside. I have handed out tracts around this area often on my way home. I have pleaded with the people at other points of interest around this area as well, but I have always yearned to reach out to the people of this particular spot. I have also stood in line with the same people many, many times, hiding in shameful silence, my insides burning with the Gospel, without even trying to ...