Free Giveaways

Acquired a sample batch of both Old and New Testaments, and New Testaments in the native Tagalog language as part of our giveaways. These are all free for anyone who would ask. I plan to make this a regular addition to the tracts we print in-house, as our funds would allow. 

Its an utter shame really, to take our freedom to acquire the Word of God for granted, when I know that in some parts of the world where persecution is rampant and bibles are scarce, Christians are known to hide bits of paper with written verses in their mouths to avoid capture. These blessed souls can only cry in solitude as they hold on to God's promises in these torn pieces of paper like it was the last time they'll read it. They pass it around secretly among themselves. They would risk life and limb to acquire even just pages of this book, but we look the other way towards perishing things. We are in dire danger of judgement for neglecting the privilege God has given us at this present time when precious bibles are affordable and readily available, but we choose social media instead.

Thank you to brother Michael for the information about the bibles.
