The Last Week of August

After a year of daily family worship, it pleased the LORD to mercifully birth the reading of scripture to 4 new households this year. The young ones have brought the practice they've learned with us into their own homes, and they intentionally read the scriptures to their unbelieving families. There is already a stirring among those who have heard the word read. Its very heartbeat is to magnify the reality of God's great glory as the Scriptures are read, and the Psalms are either read or sang - by the whole family, the fruit of all this is left to God. To worship with the family in the home is to obey and honor God.

Photo by Tish

I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever.
Psalms 45:17

Our prayer is for God to raise up a new community of families who worship God daily in their homes. Fathers who fulfill their rightful duties to God as the priest and teacher of the home, and the children are raised in the fear of the LORD. Too long have the parents depended solely on the church to raise up their children for them, while they are dumbfounded as they watch their children embrace the world when they become young adults. 

The equation is simple: 1 hour a week in church with no intentional instruction, versus 6 days a week in the world. It is obvious that God does not bless families who neglect this ordained duty given to heads of the households, specifically the fathers. The so-called blessing they are content with is the silent life of false peace in the home where everyone minds their own business, their children remain to be wicked heathens, this against the growing number children strangers to holiness and hostile to Christ. The only recourse is to go back to the old forgotten way of intentionally laying hold of the horns of the family altar, relighting the fire, and consistently reading the word of God in the home with everyone. The mandate to teach the children was never given to the church but to the parents, particularly the head of the family. Parents pray for the conversion of their children, without so much as a hint of daily instruction for them in the scriptures.

In a nation of broken families, God is maintaining a small remnant who have not bowed the knee to the dictates of societal norms and complacency, but worship the Lord with their whole household. These children will end the cursed cycle, when God is pleased to gift them their own families singularly united in devoting their lives to the LORD. This is how godly churches are birthed: a gathering of families who worship the LORD. The true worship of God begins in the home.
