A Thing Of Wonder

I've always wondered why sodomites and feminists are more publicly vocal and insistent in their ideology more than Christians are public with their faith? Why drag queens insist in reading fables to children in schools more than Christian parents commit to reading Scripture to their children daily at home? Why Mormons risk walking under the sun all day to witness to people in behalf of their false god, more than Christians would do the same for the true God? Why extremists blow themselves up believing in a false religion more than Christians would resolve to go everywhere preaching the word as in Acts 8:4? Why  government minions are more purposeful and intentional in brainwashing the populace with false information than the people of the Everlasting Kingdom are in sharing the gospel truth with those in their immediate social circles? Why heathenism is out in the open and Christianity is mixed into the crowd of other heathen churches. 

..for the sons of this world are wiser in relation to their generation than the sons of light.
Luke 16:8

Looking at it from the social Christian's point of view, what if sodomites simply gathered quietly once a week inside buildings, held sparse conferences, and once in a while, if they meet someone on the street, politely shared their ideology, careful not to offend, in the manner we timidly do? In that case, they would essentially go unnoticed - like the gospel. Christianity is the only religion in the world that is open for mockery. 

Why are we silent about Christ to our close relation and in the public square? It appears they believe more in their world view than we do in the words of Scripture. They are more militant and courageous, we are more afraid, timid, and oblivious. 

True Christians, more than anyone else in the world, have every reason to be bold as lions. To advance. To propagate. To shout from the rooftops. To shine. To proclaim. Because God is with us. His truth is ours. His provision is guaranteed. Eternal life is promised. But alas, we aren't looking to eternity and we simply refuse to die daily. But where there is no no daily looking to God's promises in eternity, there is no daily dying to self.
