Revisiting Grace Plant Santa Maria

Last Lord's day after finishing with our worship service we headed out again to Grace Plant Santa Maria Reformed Baptist Church, after brother Reuben graciously invited us to their in-house service prior to their flight back to the UK. Lord permitting he will be back next month to continue with the work. It is always precious to be around people who love to talk about Christ. Brother Reuben is such a man.

With regards to the general state of Christendom here in Bulacan, the city itself being huge, it is also an open door that is perfect for the planting of the gospel. Sadly public preaching here locally is a trivial church activity. A tedious chore no average professing church-goer will undertake - unless either the church is going, or they are asked to. It is not something the nominal attendee will have a burning passion for. The darkness prevails because the gospel is mostly kept within closed walls. The gospel is not preached to the people because the pastors do not believe it to be worth proclaiming over the rooftops. Congregations can only rise up to the level of the pastors and not higher. They have no interest in the advancement of the gospel in public, because the pastor himself sees no interest in it. 

The Philippines is already flooded with pastors. There is no shortage of them. But we are in desperate need of praying pastors - not mere seminary graduates. In college, the student learns theology. But it is in the secret prayer closet that the man of God receives the burden of Christ.

Not many churches are open to each other as this one. Understandably because of the prevailing dearth of discernment, poisoned doctrine is rampant. Once in a while when speaking with most church goers you get to see a preview of misplaced priorities, as you tend to hear the words, "your church" or "my church" quite frequently. But I am pleased to hear the dear brother after service casually tell a child, "this is Christ's church." 

We have only been here twice. But I can attest that when you do get to visit this blessed fellowship, you will hear the gospel preached.
