Peace With The Children

This was the first major review of all the past lessons in the Old Testament, Catechism and the Decalogue we've covered since the children's church began several months ago. The sheer enthusiasm they bring every week is just so humbling and encouraging. These children belong to a large clan of conflicting families. They practically despise each other, but now by God's grace their children enjoy fellowship with one another. This is something that was not here when we arrived three years ago. Originally we thought of accepting only those above 9 years of age, reasoning that those below 9 might only distract the older ones. But the Lord in His word said not to hinder the children from coming to Him. So now we are thankful even for our little ones. God has blessed our concern by touching their hearts with exemplary behavior: they are very attentive, love participating, and are well behaved. We can only pray the LORD would use these little ones to minister in their own homes and...