A Busy Day

Praise God for work. Not work for our earthly means, which we do thank Father for, but work which is for His cause. Christ is not the object of our faith, but the source of it. We do not do this in the hopes of moving up, but that THE work which makes all the difference has already been accomplished on the cross, and we are His offspring. 

Father has placed a burden in my heart to take the message of the word out to the public square. To hold services before the people who would rather stay out of church doors. Many puritan preachers who have been mightily used by God were of such spirit. Rather than dispense the word in mere trickles every Sunday to the few in the pew, it would be much profitable for the kingdom to have it publicly unleashed in torrents. I will still have to plead the LORD for this, but the seed is already laid in my very soul. If the LORD wills, then there is great work ahead indeed.

My mind was not in the spirit the whole afternoon as I compiled all the verses we will be going through at tonight's foundational study. Nevertheless I persisted in setting myself to the task at hand, and prepared a short message as well for the overnight watch which would immediately follow. The study went well for an hour and a half, 89 verses dispensed all centering on the great election of God. We were reminded once again  of the immensity of God's eternal reach and magnificent power. I am sharing these same verses -here- for the benefit of the saints.

During the course of our pleading I humbled the shallow state of my spirit this day. Oh that Father would grant me faith to stay true to His work. Humanly speaking faithfulness does not necessarily mean my spirit will be fully engaged in the work. Nor does it mean the value of the work depends on my current disposition. Faithfulness is keeping the mind on course for the sake of the One who entrusted it to me. One can continue in faithfulness amidst sickness, in loss, and in lack. But I do ask Father for His continued rod of discipline and correction. It is a very good thing the work was, is, and never will be dependent on my capacity, but rests on God alone who is able.
