Not Always Sunshine

We do not always have crowds, but we always have people.
We do not always have sun, but rains keep the people still long enough to hear the gospel.

There was a time when the usual line at our regular fishing hole was not there. The shops were about to close early, and we were walking down each street eager to find a decent number of people but it was near empty. So we decided to walk back and proclaim anyway, regardless. And soon enough God sent people to stop and talk with us. I have learned a new and valuable lesson: Not to see the situation as I perceive it, in vain because there were no people around, but to be faithful in the proclamation. God will see to it that there will be a sure ear to catch every pure and faithful preaching of His precious gospel.

I have seen foreign street preachers stand on corners where there is hardly a soul nearby, but they take a stand anyway. We are blessed to have streets that, compared to foreign lands, are never ever empty of people. There is always the commuters' terminal, the stalls, the vendors, the traffic enforcers, and the open stores. Praise God there are always people. So there really is always a reason to proclaim the good news, unless you have excuses. With Christ being our motivation, our land is potentially rich for planting seeds.

Lately a door of close communication has been opened to us. Not only for the preaching of the gospel to the general population but going out with brethren has given us the opportunity to talk one on one with people. They are the ones walking up to us, asking tracts, asking questions. Sadly I thought about the number of years I wasted merely sitting inside church listening to sermons I cannot remember. But as I view these moments from time to time I remember each face I met, each place, and every conversation.

The labor for souls truly is the most rewarding of all labors. Being that the beauty of the gospel message we carry, is not what we can hope to maintain with our accomplishments, but what Christ has already done for us. May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward for His suffering.
