
I had an errand earlier than we were supposed to go out this afternoon so I went ahead to Sta. Maria and did what I needed to do, after which I went straight to my fishing hole and this small lady was there begging alms. I welcomed this perfect opportunity to have a conversation with a soul. There is a love in me for speaking with these gentle folk that I find it more refreshing to talk patiently with them and listen to their stories.

Nanay Yolly is a professing Roman Catholic slash Buddhist who is not quite sure why she believes what she believes. She claims to have studied most religions, yet could not tell who Christ is for her, other than He is God's Son. Presenting the law to her was not easy as she tried justifying her "sinning less than others" until God's wisdom found its way with one sin that she admitted to. Finally towards the end she listened intently as realization set in. The gravity of the law was laid upon her, and found her out for the rebel that she is. I had to carefully choose the right words for her to understand in simplest terms the good news of Christ's redemptive power on the cross and its sufficiency.
By the time I was done with the dear lady my brothers were already at our spot preaching, and so I went to join them, and proceeded to hand the people in line the last batch of tracts I had, which was the exact number of copies for the people who were in the queue. Unknown to me, they have also spoken the gospel with another man in the park before stepping up, and I saw him standing close to us all throughout our pleading.

Brother Jethro and I were enabled to plead with the crowd, sparing our pastor brother his voice for an important address to the church tomorrow. As we were heading back to our rides we walked over to the man whom they talked to earlier and handed him a bible. He humbly said that he was a Muslim, to which we assured him it doesn't matter. His appreciation for the gesture was evident as he thanked us. As we were putting our helmets on I noticed a friend of his holding and reading his bible. I pulled out the last bible I had in my bag and offered it to him so he can have his own.

His name is J*****. He too was Muslim, and worked there in the park as an attendant. But he did not just thank us and left as most people do, he sat and talked with us. I was only too pleased to spend time with this soul in an effort to share with him my Christ. Both of them, he and his friend, were admittedly hopeless in Islam. I emphasized the difference between all religions of the world and Christ. Religion required service for rewards, but God gave His one and only Son and accomplished all for those who will believe. Before leaving we offered him our friendship, and as we turned the corner of the park we saw him reading his new bible. I will definitely be looking for him should I find myself there again Lord willing.The ride home blessed us with a slight drizzle. I thanked God for the peace and joy I have. We ended the day with fellowship over dinner until 9PM. It was a good day as always.
