Marilao, Bulacan

Deliver those being taken away to death, and hold back those slipping to the slaughter. If you say, “But we did not know about this,” does not the one who evaluates hearts consider? Does not the one who guards your life know?
Will he not repay each person according to his deeds?
Proverbs 24:11-12
God hath in His mercy enabled us once again to step out in spite of the ongoing virus scare, to which we see a great opportunity to present Christ to the people, seeing they are at a more sober mind at this time, and are apt to be more receptive to our message. There were no large crowds, but the establishments across us, and the tricycle terminal behind us, which always has people, served as our audience. My brother pastor and I rode on our scooters, accompanied by brother Ronnie from Ilas, and my dear wife.

We were assisted with the word and with power. The parlor in front of us visibly agitated by the severity of the gospel. We began past five and before we knew, it was evening. We finished past 8 P.M. I had a short conversation with an inquiring driver behind me as brother Jordan was pleading, and I was blessed to give this soul the good news of Christ in a short span of time. But he was in thought as I explained to him his rebellion against God and what Christ has done on the cross to open the way for us back to the Father. His name is Michael. If you have a heart for the lost, please pray for him.

Pastor Jordan on the frontline of today's war for souls.

On the way home we stopped by a noodle house (pares) and had a time for fellowship, but God brought another soul our way and we were enabled to share the good news with this very humble soul - a street dweller asking for food. We gave him his own dinner and money to extend him another day. His name is Edie. Simple he may be, but he knows the story about how God killed all the first born in Egypt to set Israel free, and wisdom in his words he lamented how rich people were just earning wages to put into a bag with holes. I prayed to the LORD to open his understanding as I was sharing the good news of Christ with him. Kindly mention him in your prayers.

May the LORD be pleased to bless this day in calling an elect home, and testifying against the evil in men's hearts. Amen
