Encouragements from the LORD
There were times I've wondered if anything I do is of any worth to the kingdom, for lack of evidence or fruit. I have deactivated and activated, erased and re-uploaded posts on some social media platforms in my doubt. But the Lord has always sent fresh encouragements to me from strangers who surprisingly notice my absence. In my devotions with the word of God, I am reminded that the stories there did not occur in a linear fashion as they were written. At times there were long gaps in the timeline in between revelations. Sometimes weeks in between, sometimes years. It is a great comfort to me that even though I do not always feel the presence of God, His promises remain ever faithful, and His integrity steadfast.
In the weeks that have passed a brother in the Lord from Cavite wrote to me and asked for copies of our tracts he can use for distribution. After a brief exchange regarding faith, I sent him our templates so he can have them printed out. He sent me back these pictures of his prints. The LORD is so good.

I remember printing our very first tracts on a printer using cheap bond papers and I had to cut each one individually by hand. I honor the brother in Canada who was extremely kind in assisting me when I started to step out into public ministry. He sent me his own template for the tract and the cross we are now using. I merely revised
the words and presentation for our own version that would suit the
Filipino reader better. The LORD bless that brother. That seed bore fruit in me and now this fruit bore more fruit unto the Lord. Taste and see that the LORD is good. I encouraged him that it is not important if the tracts were merely ink on paper, or professionally printed on cardboard stock. It's the faithfulness of the message that's important. After public ministry, we often find a few of our tracts discarded on the street just the same, both when it was on paper and even now that it's on cardstock. In this work, we never set our eyes upon the results, but continually ask that we remain faithful to the call. Our expenses for the gospel are unsupported by man but completely provided for through the kind provision of our Father.
This morning, the brother sent me this snap of a tract he gave to a boy peddling little idols - gods for sale. They're called Santo NiƱo, little Baals, or a supposed baby Jesus. Lots of superstitious Roman Catholic homes here have them. You will see these in stores, public and private vehicles - almost anywhere. They're treated as talismans to ward off misfortune and bad luck. But that's all they are. Useless figurines of wood made by men's hands that have eyes but cannot see, and ears that cannot hear. I was one who revered such in my younger days. May the LORD be merciful to this boy as He had been to me. The LORD bless this brother's zeal.

Late last night a surprise message came in late from a man who was studying to be a pastor in Pasig. He owns to have been impressed upon by the Spirit to step out into public ministry after visiting our channel on Youtube and was asking for advice and pointers. If there is one advice I can give to those who sincerely want to take on public ministry, it is to spend the whole previous night on your face before the LORD, asking for the privilege to bear Christ's name high before the people.
Wrong motives will render our labors useless, no matter how large the ministry is. Those who do it for recognition, or because their Christian friends are doing it, or for self-righteousness sake, or because the pastor told them to, will end up failing, and will not endure. God will take no pleasure in the accomplishments of the arm of the flesh. To seek Christ's glory is a vow unto death for a true child of the King. There is no greater calling, no greater honor than to bow before the throne of God and lift up Christ. It is not the preachers, nor the pastors, nor the missionaries who labor, it is God who tirelessly works to bring about the glory of His name and His kingdom and the fulfillment of His will, and call the elect home. For the messenger, to be called is more than enough honor and reward. The messenger seeks nothing more beyond seeing Christ magnified. Never mind the messenger. Who cares about the messenger anyway? This is all about Christ and Christ alone. Let God alone regard the messenger's secrets in his heart.
God may yield a great catch in one letting down of the net, or then again He may not. I am not in it for the results. Earthly pursuits may acquire the money that would feed me for a day or recognition that would last only for one generation, but pursuing Christ bears a priceless eternity of joy and gladness. Fruit without a hint of sorrow that remains forever. Converts or none, in obeying Christ through public proclamation I have already won. To God alone be the glory. Amen.
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