After doing foreman duty at the construction site for most of the day, I proceeded to what has become my usual fishing hole. I brought my gear along plus a handful of tracts, the Lord placing in my mind to fish for at least a few souls before going home.

There was a makeshift stall at the corner when I arrived, and I proceeded to hand out my tracts. A few minutes later a lady alighted from a tricycle and set her stall up right in front of where I was ministering. I must have looked very strange to her, as I received not a few glances while I was proclaiming the good news of Christ to the passersby. But as the evening drew to a close she was intently listening, almost ignoring most of her customers and leaving them to help themselves with her wares. Towards the end of the message, she finally got up and asked for a tract. She read it for a good while.

There were a lot of people who passed by me. A few gave me the head to foot look, most of them not even noticing I was there. I was broken for every one who waved no to me. Not that they rejected the tract, but that they had no idea how near they were to true treasure. I saw my old dead self, and I felt grieved for them. I pitied them so.

I will never get my mind around the thought of God saving me. I knew how He did, but as to why He did, it is infinitely more than my feeble mind can contain.
I can see myself old and bowed down with graying hair, and still standing like a fool on some forgotten corner, proclaiming Christ. May the Lord never reduce me to being so comfortable with my God that I can profess such a monotonous dead Christianity from inside a church office.
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