God Answered

I left the construction site earlier than usual because I wanted to fish while I still had daylight. As I was riding on my way to my fishing hole this afternoon I prayed.

I prayed that God will glorify His name. God is very kind to me as to gently correct me in the right direction of His will. There are those who preach for the sake of preaching or prepare sermons for the sake of a good sermon. But it is infinitely more rewarding to preach and study to be awed by God's glory. Nothing more. 

This afternoon ministry passed just like any other day: people do not even look at you when they take a tract. But after some time pleading with the gospel, the guard inside this building in front of me (it was barred shut so I assumed there was nobody inside) went out to ask for a tract and read it as he went back in. Father is amazing. I will really never know who's listening. I had him in mind as my unseen audience until the end of my pleading.

I brought just a handful of tracts today along with five bibles to give away. Every instance is a picture of God's election. There are more people who will reject the tracts more than those who will take one, but in the end, every tract I have will be given away. I can only bow my head in brokenness for every person who will probably never know what they just passed up.

But the most wonderful part of the day did not happen until I went back to where my motorcycle was parked, and I had turned my camera off. As I was packing my gear away inside my compartment, the parking attendant walked up to me. He noticed my bible on top of my stash me and with a smile asked what religion am I in. I asked him, 'Do you know Christ?', and that led to a lengthy but blessed conversation about sin, its consequence, and what God did to redeem man from death. He was very thankful for the exchange and shook my hand. In the end, I asked if I can pray for him, but he was embarrassed to do it in public. I asked for his name so I can pray for him in private instead. He said, 'yes, please.' His name is Anthony.

God answered my lowly plea.

How many souls have I passed up Lord, whenever I'd rather go home than go out? The answer will probably slay me if the Lord told me. But such is His kindness. My only consolation is that I will ever be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks me of the joy I have in the Lord, whenever and wherever God opens a door for me to do so.
