November One Pleading
God has graciously directed us to this part of Bulacan to minister to the people flocking into the cemeteries. We planned to assist the church in today's public ministry in another proposed part of the city but I had the impression that the motive was not for the benefit of the gospel.

I have never viewed public proclamation to be a picnic outing, in the sense that those who are expected to bring the good news to the public will not do so unless they go in a group, or with a companion. This I believe is one of the main hindrances of the gospel's furtherance. I am always fearful when I go out alone but I will do so in spite of that fear. Yes, a brother or a group is much preferred, but that is not always the case. Regardless if I go alone or a friend goes with me, I still will go. Praise be to the Lord of heaven and earth, I have a faithful companion with me in this war.

The gospel was proclaimed before a passive crowd of passers-by, but the real audience were the Muslim stalls across, a police detachment outpost, and the booth of a certain local fraternity who were giving away free drinks to the people, right beside us. There were no hecklers. No interactions either. But there they sat and stood afar intently listening through the entire message. God touched the people to come near and get a tract and a bible. We delivered the good news till my voice gave out.

We headed home after, and realized that we had no even taken the time to visit my father-in-law's grave in the very cemetery where we pleaded with the people. No matter. If only we clearly understood how dying outside of Christ is such a terrifying tragedy, the unbelieving heart would fail in fear, and the believing heart would fail in utter regret for holding back their full service for God's kingdom on earth.
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