God Loves You
A journal entry, one early morning of October in silent communion. 2AM
God loves you.
It takes faith to believe this. It is a phrase proud people have no problem affirming. But for the truly repentant, it is often one of the hardest, if not, almost impossible truths to believe. The more he sees God's mercy in the pool of blood collecting underneath the cross of Christ, the more he sees his daily failures and repeated offenses. The more he lifts up his voice to God, the fewer answers seem to come. The darker he sees his true self, the harder he finds to believe God can indeed forgive him. The more he strives to be perfect, the more easily he falls. Weakness is such a blessed place where God often takes His children for a time of silent communion. Here he realizes how God saved him, but to the question 'why', he finds no answer in himself, only in God.
The reason it is impossible for the true child of heaven to believe he is loved by God is that it takes faith to believe this truth. And faith is never acquired, only received. For faith is a gift freely given by God only to His own beloved children.
God loves you.
The proud greedily steal it. The poor in spirit, for whom this solemn truth is strictly reserved, cannot even lift his eyes up to heaven by reason of it. If you ever find yourself in the dark, deep in daily failure, and seemingly distant from God: Ask the Lord to help your unbelief. Simply believe that God loves you.
God's love is a truth reserved only for His saints. ~A.W. Pink

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
1 Peter 5:7
Photo by Lee Jeffries
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